
This is No Futile Effort

ve8QAd   |   May 15, 2015

Less than 48 hours ago the pro-life movement experienced an impressive victory.  By a vote of 242 to 184 the House of Representatives passed the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. This success was achieved on the second anniversary of abortionist Kermit Gosnell’s conviction as a serial killer.

Opponents of the bill say our efforts are in vain because Mr. Obama will veto the bill if it gets to his desk. But they’re not looking at the bigger picture. What you and I do for America’s women and their unborn babies in the weeks and months ahead is vital to saving lives.

All but four Democrats in the House followed their Party platform on abortion, recently made clear by Democrat Party Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz. The Party supports abortion throughout nine months of pregnancy for any reason. Plus, they want your tax dollars to fund it. Period.

These pro-abortion politicians went on record Wednesday supporting the brutal killing of an unborn baby by dismemberment or whatever means necessary. They’re on record that it’s okay to cause excruciating pain for babies while the abortionist kills them. The child’s only “crime” is that she lives inside her mother’s womb.  Let that sink in for a moment. They support indescribable brutality on human babies that’d never be tolerated on a stray cat.

Congressman Sean Duffy said it best about those in the Democrat Party who brag about standing up for the little guy: “I’ve listened to the floor debate day after day . . . about how they fight for the forgotten, they fight for the defenseless, they fight for the voiceless. And they pound their chest and stomp their feet. You don’t have anyone in our society that’s more defenseless than these little babies.”

But there are a few good men on the Democrat side who said no to this gruesome injustice, and you and I must thank them. They’re Henry Cuellar (TX-28), Jim Langevin (RI-2), Dan Lipinski (IL-3) and Collin Peterson (MN-7).

You and I must also contact those Republicans who, in spite of a strong pro-life Republican Party platform on abortion, sided with the abortion industry, kicked America’s unborn babies and their mothers to the curb and voted against HR 36. They are Charlie Dent (PA-15), Bob Dold (IL-10), Richard Hanna (NY-22) and Rodney Frelinghuysen (NJ-11). And don’t forget Jody B. Hice (GA-10), who cowardly voted “present” instead of voting to stop this horrific crime against humanity.

REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVES WHO VOTED NO OR PRESENT on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. L-R: Charlie Dent, Bob Dold, Richard Hanna, Rodney Frelinghuysen, Jody Hice.

During an election you wouldn’t dream of voting for child molesters and traffickers, racists or rapists. Those who support killing innocent babies should be equally disqualified from representing the people of America.

The next stop for the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act is the Senate and it’s going to be a tough battle. But we won’t give up because babies are being killed and women physically and emotionally maimed.

I agree with pro-life Senator Lindsey Graham who welcomes that debate in the Senate. This gives us an opportunity to let America know just how extreme our laws are on abortion.

Let’s also show everyone the profound difference between two major political parties when it comes to unborn babies and their mothers. Polls show Americans—including women—support this legislation by two to one margins.

This public debate will educate millions to the ugly truth about abortion and the urgent need to stop the daily slaughter.

My message to pro-abortion activists is this: tell your friends to get used to more pro-life victories because we’re not stopping until all innocent human life is protected from womb to tomb—from fertilization to natural death.

To you, my fellow pro-life advocate, be aware that this isn’t going to be an easy battle.  Brace yourself to face an even uglier culture of death. As they get more desperate, we’ll experience more death threats, assaults and lies.

The New England Journal of Medicine published research that was featured in a New York Times article titled Premature Babies May Survive at 22 Weeks if Treated, Study Finds.  This clearly shows pro-abortion activists don’t have science or ethics on their side, so expect them to step up their attacks on the messengers because they can’t effectively confront the message..

Contact your senators now and ask them to support the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. Plus, be in prayer for those on the front lines of the life-and-death-battle.  Financially support those who tirelessly work to protect innocent human life.

Like the abolitionists and the allies who liberated the concentration camps, we’re on the right side of history. Those we admire in our nation’s past didn’t wilt in the face of daunting challenges. They moved forward to conquer them.

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