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Historical Book Published: Abortion and the Pro-Life Movement: An Inside View

ve8QAd   |   February 09, 2015

The long-awaited book by Dr. and Mrs. John C. Willke is now available. It is the final work of this couple who have been on the frontline of the abortion battle since the ‘60s and contributed more to pro-life education that anyone else in the world.

The Willkes lectured in 85 countries and authored countless pro-life education materials including Handbook on Abortion, which was distributed by the millions worldwide. Their works have been published in 32 languages.

Abortion and the Pro-Life Movement: An Inside View is an autobiographical history of the most controversial movement of our time. No one is better equipped to provide that history than the Willkes.

The book begins with the early years before legalized abortion and follows the explosive growth of what would become the pro-life movement. From kitchen-table activism to meetings with popes and presidents, their never-before-told story takes you behind the scenes. Interlaced with a timeline of legislation and important events, the Willkes’ memories bring the movement to life in a highly personal, often moving way.

The book ends with a word from Marie Willke Meyers, MD, the Willkes’ daughter, who introduces these pro-life giants to us as simply “Dad and Mom.”

My parents believed that the outcome of that battle [over abortion] would determine the type of world we leave our children and grandchildren. Their prayer was that you would join them in the fight for life.

Barbara Willke did not live to see the publication of this book that chronicles their life together. Despite that heartbreaking loss, Dr. Willke goes forward with hope, noting in the epilogue the wisdom of the couple’s dear friend, Pastor Richard John Neuhaus:

The encroaching culture of death shall not prevail, for we know, as we read in St. John’s gospel, that “light shines in the darkness, and the darkness will not overcome it.” The darkness will never overcome that light. Never. Never.

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