Armless Mother a Blessing

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Armless Mother a Blessing

Bradley Mattes   |   June 19, 2014

God has a plan for this young woman. Shanthi was born to an eleven-year-old girl in poverty near Calcutta, India. The mother felt she couldn’t take care of the two of them, so she stepped in front of a speeding train. The mother was killed and Shanthi was found alive with both arms severed. They took her to an orphanage where they bandaged her arms with no medical aid. It’s a miracle she didn’t bleed to death. Santhi’s arms healed by themselves and she was adopted by an American couple. Now this young woman is married with two babies of her own. She gets along fine and doesn’t feel deprived because this is the only life she’s known. Many would say Shanthi shouldn’t have been born, but I believe God has a plan for her just like the rest of us.

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