Eugenics Practiced in State of Georgia

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Eugenics Practiced in State of Georgia

Bradley Mattes   |   April 11, 2014

Recently I told you about alarming statistics in Mississippi showing the abortion industry is blatantly practicing eugenics and going after minorities. Now the stats for Georgia are out. Whites outnumber Blacks two-to-one. Even so, Black babies are aborted at a rate of two-and-a-half times more than White babies. Nearly eighty-percent of all abortions in Georgia kill minority babies. The communist dictator, Josef Stalin, said, “The death of one man is a tragedy; the death of millions is a statistic.” Kill one person and you have a murder. Kill millions and you have an abortion business. You must help me wake up our nation to this eugenics movement. Visit today’s broadcast link at life issues dot org to see a visual, interactive website showing how Planned Parenthood targets minority neighborhoods.

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