
Abortion’s Revolving Door

ve8QAd   |   April 25, 2014

In the business world, it’s well-known that repeat customers are a hallmark of success. It’s also true within the abortion industry. Tragically, repeat abortions have become progressively more common. Statistics reported by the Guttmacher Institute (founded as Planned Parenthood’s research group) revealed that approximately 45% of all abortions are repeat abortions. Nearly half of these women are brutally ending the lives of not just one, but multiple children. And this trend is by design.

There’s a reason pro-abortion activists have literally abandoned the concept of “safe, legal and rare” and replaced it with “abortion-on-demand without apology.” They want abortion to be commonplace, accepted, permissible and widely available. They’ve shaped the debate with terms like “reproductive justice,” using it as a platform to rally young women. It’s also a malicious tool to lure those very same women through the doors of an abortion mill—repeatedly.

The abortion industry (especially Planned Parenthood) works hard to maintain an image that they’re benevolent providers of women’s healthcare services. But behind closed doors, the gruesome truth behind their business is exposed. Former Planned Parenthood director, Abby Johnson, believed that she was serving women’s needs by helping them prevent pregnancy. That’s why in one meeting, she questioned increasing abortion numbers.

“Isn’t Planned Parenthood about prevention? Aren’t we about making abortion rare?”

Her supervisor responded, “Abby, you’ve really got to get your priorities straight. Abortion needs to be your priority because that’s where our money is.”

Sue Thayer, another former Planned Parenthood director, also confirmed that abortion quotas are a reality. “Every center had a goal for how many abortions they would do. If there was a shortage in the amount of abortions, that center manager had to have an action plan for why they were short that month and what she was going to do to make sure it didn’t happen again.”

The bottom line is when a mother chooses adoption or to parent her child, the abortion industry doesn’t make money. It’s the revenue from abortion that keeps them in business.

Determined to mainstream abortion into society, abortion mills are now marketing their services with online coupons. That’s right. In addition to coupons for automotive care or beauty salons, women can now receive special discounted abortions. Get a $15 coupon when you “like” the Facebook page of an abortion facility in El Paso, TX. In Virginia, another offers discounts when a Medicaid, military ID or student ID is presented. Customers can save as much as $100 on abortion services with a coupon from an Orlando abortion mill. They’re incentivizing women to choose abortion as if it were any other consumer product.

With this type of commercialization, is it any wonder that attitudes toward abortion have become increasingly more frivolous? I was utterly dismayed when I read last week about a celebrity wannabe, Josie Cunningham, who decided to abort her 18-week baby because she wanted to be on the reality show Big Brother. “An abortion will further my career. This time next year I won’t have a baby. Instead I’ll be famous, driving a bright pink Range Rover and buying a big house,” Josie said. It seems reprehensible, but pro-abortion activists came to her defense. In an article entitled, “Why we must defend Josie Cunningham’s right to an abortion,” Martin Robbins writes, “In reality, her actions are no different from thousands of women who exercise their reproductive rights in order to make informed choices about their future careers and families.” Journalist Sarah Ditum sums up the pro-abortion position, “As far as I’m concerned, it doesn’t matter why any woman wants to end her pregnancy. Even the most terrible reason for having an abortion holds more sway than the best imaginable reason for compelling a woman to carry to term.”

Such an abhorrent perspective on abortion is victimizing vulnerable women, as well as fueling those who abort for entirely frivolous reasons. As a result, they’re repeatedly turning to abortion as a primary or back-up method of birth control. They’ve been misled by, or gleefully follow, pro-abortion propaganda and are convinced there’s no other needed option. The implications of this wanton disregard for human life are dire, which is why we must increase awareness about the heartless methods the abortion industry uses to market their services to women. I encourage you to watch and share an informative episode of Facing Life Head-On called, The Marketing of Abortion. It provides firsthand insight from individuals who have experience working in the abortion business. And it addresses issues ranging from financial and counseling to advertising. Also, Alliance Defending Freedom has a helpful comprehensive guide, which details the operations of Planned Parenthood, called Investigate Their Plan. In addition, learn about post-abortion stress and organizations that help women who’ve suffered past abortions. Finally, let’s pray that women’s eyes will be opened to the horrible reality that Planned Parenthood and the rest of the abortion industry care only about lining their pockets with blood money at the tragic expense of women and their babies.

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