Victories in Legislation

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Victories in Legislation

Bradley Mattes   |   January 23, 2014

You know your efforts have been successful when your foes are complaining. This is the case with the Guttmacher Institute. It began as the research arm of Planned Parenthood and is equally dedicated to abortion-on-demand. The folks at Guttmacher were lamenting that more pro-life state legislation protecting innocent human life has been passed in the last three years than the previous ten years combined! Such laws cover: parental involvement, following FDA protocols, waiting periods, fetal pain, conscience clauses, counseling requirements and more. Guttmacher even complained about pro-life efforts to stop aborting babies just because they were girls or African Americans. Please join me in thanking God for giving us these victories. And please pray the Lord will finally bring the scourge of abortion to an end.

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