Abortion Increases Heart Disease and Stroke

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Abortion Increases Heart Disease and Stroke

Bradley Mattes   |   April 02, 2013

A new study from China provides more shocking evidence abortion is harmful to women. Those who have a history of abortion early in life can have a “high risk” of metabolic syndrome. This is a combination of medical disorders, that when occurring together, increase the risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease or stroke. And the risk increases with each abortion a woman has. One of the reasons abortion is linked to this syndrome is depression is known to cause heart disease. Women who abort their babies are at a risk of depression. Scientific evidence continues to mount that abortion is bad for women. So why does Congress allow legal abortion and fund Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest chain of abortion mills?

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One thought on “Abortion Increases Heart Disease and Stroke

  1. Hi, Thanks for your top-notch article. Actually, The most common symptom of coronary artery disease is angina or chest pain. Angina can be described as a discomfort, heaviness, pressure, aching, burning, fullness, squeezing, or painful feeling in your chest. It can be mistaken for indigestion or heartburn.

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