Pro-Aborts Oppose Late-Term Abortion

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Pro-Aborts Oppose Late-Term Abortion

Bradley Mattes   |   March 28, 2013

Richard Dawkins, a known atheist, naively waded into the quagmire of the abortion debate. He recently tweeted, “Any fetus is less human than an adult pig.” As you can imagine, he got a lot of pushback on this comment. Trying to explain, a subsequent tweet said, “I think fetal pain could outweigh woman’s right to control her own body,” meaning no to abortion if the child can feel pain. This did nothing to put out the fire, but fanned it into a bigger flame. Many of his pro-abortion, atheistic followers accused Mr. Dawkins of being pro-life. So yet another tweet assured readers of his “strong pro-abortion views.” This Twitter debate shows most Americans oppose late-term abortion, so stopping them can be a first step on the way to ultimate victory of saving them all.

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