40 Years of Killing

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40 Years of Killing

Bradley Mattes   |   January 21, 2013

January notes a very tragic anniversary. It’s been 40 years since the Supreme Court legalized abortion-on-demand. Since then, nearly 56 million babies have been sacrificed on the altar of so-called choice. But who can wrap their mind around so many lives? Look at it this way. If you observed a moment of silence for every baby aborted in America under Roe, you’d be silent for 106 years. Here’s another way to look at it. When you think of populated states, you think of New York and California. The number of babies aborted would be almost equal to wiping out the entire population of these two states. Yes, abortion’s taken a grave toll on our nation. Please pray that God will allow us to end this modern-day holocaust, and wombs will once again be a safe place for babies.

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