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The Culture War

ve8QAd   |   October 13, 2012

The culture war has taken an especially ugly turn. A gunman posing as an intern shot a security guard at the Family Research Council office in Washington, DC. He was hit in the arm as he pushed the gun away from his face. The gunman got off three shots. The wounded guard overpowered the assailant and is credited with saving several lives. Had the gunman gained access to other parts of the building, it would have turned deadly. His backpack contained 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches, and he intended to place one next to the body of each person he killed.

Family Research Council (FRC) is a pro-life, pro-family organization and was targeted specifically for their stand supporting traditional marriage. The gunman, a pro-homosexual activist, made it clear why he attacked FRC. “It was what this place stands for.”
There wasn’t much said in the media about this grave incident because it didn’t mesh with their biased agenda against traditional marriage. Had the ideologies of the gunman and victim been reversed, we would have been inundated with media condemning the “hate” crime.

The media sharks don’t miss a beat if they can remotely pin bad behavior on pro-life or pro-family individuals and organizations. Even when facts don’t substantiate a connection between pro-lifers and an act of crime, the media have been known to fabricate one. Such was the case with the tragic shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Chris Matthews with MSNBC was one of the many who quickly laid blame at the feet of people like Governor Sarah Palin and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann.

And the Federal Government is making matters worse. This past January, they released a report from the Department of Homeland Security called Hot Spots of Terrorism. On the list of potential domestic terrorists was “Single Issue: groups or individuals that [are focused on] very specific or narrowly-defined caused (e.g., anti-abortion . . .” With this kind of wording, it’s possible a pro-life crisis pregnancy center would qualify as a potential terrorist.

The report also cites Table 6 which it says shows a concentration of single issue terrorism including “such attacks as anti-abortion.” However, there were zero references or tables depicting acts of violence by pro-abortion activists against pro-lifers.

The most violent and hateful elements of the cultural war come from the fringe efforts of the pro-homosexual movement. But radical pro-abortion activists aren’t far behind.
Jim Pouillon was shot and killed while he stood in front of an area high school sharing pro-life information. This June, a pro-life school bus used to transport young children was firebombed. During July, a man violently attacked pro-lifers demonstrating against Obamacare. His aggressive acts were caught on video. It’s a gross injustice that violent acts like these from pro-abortion activists—spanning decades—didn’t get the attention of the Department of Homeland Security.

But we shouldn’t be surprised. The Obama administration has a track record that smacks of political correctness and a partisan agenda when it comes to reacting to acts of domestic terrorism.

On May 31, 2009, late-term abortionist, George Tiller, was gunned down in his church. Within a couple hours, President Obama responded, “I am shocked and outraged by the murder.” He instructed US Marshals to provide protection to abortionists, and the Justice Department mobilized quick action.

Days later on June 1 there was an attack on an Army recruiting station in Arkansas resulting in a dead solider and another wounded, but there was no response from the President even though the assailant was an admitted Al-Qaeda operative.

Later that year on November 5, in the wake of the horrific slaughter of American soldiers at Ft. Hood, the Administration downplayed it as merely “workplace violence” in the face of overwhelming evidence it was an act of domestic terrorism.

Now, even though the shooting at the FRC office shows clear evidence that classifies the shooting as a hate crime and domestic terrorism against a cultural and political foe, it barely received mention from the President.

The writing is on the wall and it points to a clear trend of the Obama administration selectively enforcing laws designed to protect all Americans. The ominous reality for pro-lifers is that the President’s inaction is declaring open season on those of us who tirelessly work to protect innocent human life.

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