Lack of Inspections Appalling

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Lack of Inspections Appalling

Bradley Mattes   |   February 01, 2012

The appalling details of the Philadelphia abortion mill, dubbed the “house of horrors” by the FBI, have finally opened the eyes of health officials in other states. In Illinois, some abortion mills haven’’t been inspected in 15 years. State officials claimed it was because there are only 24 inspectors for about 2,000 health facilities. Let’’s do the math. This means each inspector only needs to do seven inspections a month. If they can’’t manage this, officials need to find someone competent. The Illinois inspections have resulted in a bizarre and notorious Rockford abortion mill being permanently closed. It’’s time the abortion industry was stopped from not only killing innocent babies, but maiming and sometimes killing their mothers in the name of “choice” and “healthcare.”

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