Loggerheads Over Abortion Funding

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Loggerheads Over Abortion Funding

Bradley Mattes   |   March 28, 2011

The House and Senate are locked in a battle whether or not to fund Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest chain of abortion mills. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and his pro-abortion colleagues are willing to shut down the government in order to keep the money flowing. In one year alone, more than 360 million of our tax dollars go to fund this abortion giant. Pro-life leader and friend Reverend Frank Pavone had a great response. “If that’s the case then shut it down. When a government funds massive child-killing, it’s betrayed its very purpose anyway. Maybe a shutdown will give our government officials a chance to reflect on what government should be doing in the first place.” Visit today’s broadcast link at life issues dot org (see below) to contact your Congressman.

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