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Truly Pro-Life or Turncoats

ve8QAd   |   April 01, 2010


A week ago, few could turn a corner without hearing about the health care vote. No doubt many Democrats in the US House wished the attention would fade. But now, the spotlight is on them brighter than ever.

Twenty self-professed pro-life Democrats voted FOR the pro-abortion health care bill, many jumping ship along with Rep. Bart Stupak just hours before the final vote. We now know that, the next day, at least 11 of them put in requests for $3.4 billion worth of earmarks-special kick-backs to their districts. In Washington, money talks, and it appears these turncoats listened.

We’ll know for sure this summer, when the Appropriations Committee approves earmark requests. If the blood money gets paid out, Stupak’s gang can expect more time in the spotlight. Elected on a promise to protect life, they condemned millions of unborn babies to death by abortion with our tax dollars. They turned their backs on the babies and mothers who need genuine support, not murder, depression and pain. Generations lost for “thirty pieces of silver.”

Meanwhile, 15 truly pro-life Democrats held firm in the face of enormous pressure. As a result, their political endeavors will likely be squashed by congressional leadership. Still they won. Recognizing no bridge or building is worth more than a baby’s life, they sacrificed short-term gains for lifelong rewards.

When the day comes for abortion to be seen as the horror it is, those faithful few can be proud to have stood on the side of life and justice. The battle is not won yet, and truly pro-life Democrats remain in the thick of the fight. Please, take a moment to thank them for standing strong. Let’s contact the turncoats, too. Let them know the betrayal has not gone unnoticed. After all, you can’t put a price on life.

True Pro-life Democrats who voted AGAINST the pro-abortion health care bill:

Dan Boren (OK)
Bobby Bright (AL)
Lincoln Davis (TN)
Jim Marshall (GA)
Mike McIntyre (NC)
Charlie Melancon (LA)
Collin Peterson (MN)
Gene Taylor (MS)
Dan Lipinski (IL)
Heath Shuler (NC)
Ike Skelton (MO)
Jason Altmire (PA)
Artur Davis (AL)
Jim Matheson (UT)
Mike Ross (AR)

Self-Professed Pro-life Democrats who voted FOR the pro-abortion health care bill:
* Indicates earmarks requested the following day

Name (State-District)
*Jerry Costello (IL-12)
*Kathy Dahlkemper (PA-3)
*Joe Donnelly (IN-2)
Mike Doyle (PA-14)
*Steve Driehaus (OH-1)
*Brad Ellsworth (IN-8)
Baron Hill (IN-9)
*Paul Kanjorski (PA-11)
*Marcy Kaptur (OH-9)
Dale Kildee (MI-5)
James Langevin (RI-2)
Alan Mollohan (WV-1)
*James Oberstar (MN-8)
*Solomon Ortiz (TX-27)
Tom Perriello (VA-5)
Earl Pomeroy (ND-AL)
Nick Rahall (WV-3)
Tim Ryan (OH-17)
*Bart Stupak (MI-1)
*Charles Wilson (OH-6)

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