Senator Bob Casey, Jr. (D-PA) ran in 2006 as a pro-life challenger to Senator Rick Santorum, the most pro-life senator we had. Before the election, in a written response to Voter Guide (a pro-life questionnaire), he wrote that he was opposed to public funding of abortion, a woman’s right to abortion and tax-funded abortion. He told the citizens of Pennsylvania, in writing, that he was pro-life.
In spite of this, Senator Casey has recently voted with pro-abortion members of the Senate in favor of an appropriations bill. It would, among other things, financially support international organizations that promote or provide abortions as a method of birth control. This type of aid for foreign agencies that promote or provide abortions was banned by President Reagan and became known as the Mexico City Policy. Since then, it has been upheld by every president except President Clinton. By voting to use your tax dollars to fund abortion, Senator Casey not only turned his back on Pennsylvania, he betrayed unborn babies around the world.
After this, Senator Brownback (R-KS) introduced an amendment to the same appropriations bill that would have eliminated this funding and reinstate the Mexico City Policy. However, it was struck down. Senator Casey voted for this amendment but then specifically asked that his vote be changed because he did not intend to vote for it in the first place. He had a chance to redeem himself and his stand for life but decided to stand on the side of pro-abortion legislators. His sheep’s clothing was removed and the politician was revealed.
We need your help to send a message to Senator Casey that we expect him to keep his promise to vote pro-life. He spins this vote by saying that he is not supporting abortion. He says he is supporting the “family planning” aspects of these organizations. However, this vote frees up funds of these organizations to promote and provide abortions. Please click here to send Senator Casey an email to express your disapproval of his support of foreign organizations that promote or provide abortion as a method of birth control.
We need as many people as possible to send this message. Though Senator Casey is from Pennsylvania, his vote affects not only American unborn babies, but in this case, unborn babies all over the world. In addition, we must send an unmistakable message that we want future votes to be pro-life. Please forward this information to your friends and family by clicking here.
Thank you for being a friend of life!
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