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Live with thanksgiving

ve8QAd   |   November 13, 2000

The Latest News Archive 2013

Live with thanksgiving

How do you define thankfulness? Some consider it counting your blessings. It’s been called an “attitude of gratitude.” Although it’s intangible, you can generally sense a difference between those who are truly grateful and those who aren’t.

As I see it, thankfulness is central to the identity of pro-lifers. What sets us apart from those who support abortion is that we’re thankful for life. We thank God for the miraculous, earliest stages of life beginning at fertilization. Our respect for life is unconditional, regardless of ability or circumstance. Planned or unplanned, there’s no difference in the inherent value of each life. We’ll fiercely protect both born and unborn.

Author and pastor, Harry Ironside, is quoted as saying, “We would worry less if we praised more. Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and dissatisfaction.” That’s certainly true in the battle for life. Pro-abortion advocates operate from a position of fear and anger. Alternatively, when we embrace life with a grateful heart, we’re actually countering the culture of death. It’s empowering to consider the influence our thankfulness can have.

How can we express thanks as it relates to our pro-life efforts?

In Prayer — Through prayer, we can thank God for the greatest gift… the gift of life. Thank Him for your life and the purposes He has intended for you. Give thanks for your mother who gave you life. Praise Him for the blessings of newborn babies—children, siblings, grandchildren, nieces or nephews. Be thankful that we live in a country where we can (so far) speak out and take action to protect life. And pray for the mothers who’ve turned back from the brink of abortion—that their lives would be a powerful testimony for life.

In Words — We’re called to be a voice for the voiceless. It’s our responsibility not to be silent regarding the vileness of abortion. Our words should always be life-affirming. Be educated when you speak. Visit the Life Issues website for information on topics such as abortion, Planned Parenthood, euthanasia and more. Prepare your heart and mind for conversations regarding the life issues. Be willing to talk with friends, family, neighbors and co-workers—perhaps around the dining room table this week. The words you use may persuade someone to stand for life. Just think, each person who’s willing to speak to another, causes a ripple effect that’ll continue to affect more and more individuals.

In Actions — If a picture is worth a thousand words, actions must be worth millions. When you’re willing to live out your beliefs, as you’ve experienced, your life will be changed. Sometimes it’s by doing the simplest of things: share pro-life news, images, videos and websites via Facebook or Twitter, or make a donation to a pro-life organization (I know a good one). You may feel moved to encourage your pastor to preach about abortion. Other possibilities include volunteering at a pregnancy care center or going to a store or yard sales to purchase baby clothes, maternity clothes and other baby items that can be donated to mothers in need. Find a need in your community and commit to being part of the solution.

As you may know, one year ago, I lost my twin grandsons to miscarriage. Although we weren’t able to get to know them on this earth, they hold a special place in our hearts. And even through the heartache, we’re truly thankful for their lives. Far too brief, yet they had significance. Levi and Zachary have strengthened my resolve to continue the fight for the unborn. And they reaffirm my thankfulness to our Lord for the knowledge that—although not in this life—one day I’ll be reunited with my precious grandchildren in heaven.

Take some time away from the hustle and bustle of the season. Set aside everything else and quietly spend time with the Lord—thanking Him. For there are truly many blessings for which to be grateful. There’ll be plenty of time for Christmas. Today, be grateful.

Giving thanks for the gift of LIFE,

Bradley Mattes
Life Issues Institute


Life Issues Institute is dedicated to changing hearts and minds of millions of people through education. Organizations and individuals around the world depend upon Life Issues Institute to provide the latest information and effective tools to protect innocent human life from womb to tomb.


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