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Breaking News Condemns Murder of Late-Term Abortionist

ve8QAd   |   November 13, 2000

Breaking News Archive 2009

Awards of Excellence Presented to Facing Life Head-On
Weekly Pro-life TV Show Honored

Facing Life Head-On has earned two prestigious awards in television; the Telly and Accolade awards. This weekly, half-hour TV program, sponsored by Life Issues Institute and available to well over 100-million households, presents compelling pro-life messages and has achieved international acclaim from professionals in the field of television production.

The Telly Award honors the very best in local, regional and cable television programs, as well as the finest video and film production, and work created for the Web. Today, the Telly is one of the most sought-after awards by industry leaders, from large international firms to local production companies and ad agencies. Over 11,000 entries were received for the 30th Annual Telly Awards.

The Accolade Award of Excellence is an internationally respected award which recognizes film, television and videography professionals who demonstrate exceptional achievement in craft and creativity, and those who produce standout entertainment. Entries are received from around the world and are judged by highly qualified professionals in the film and television industry.

“We’re truly honored by both of these prestigious awards,” stated, Brad Mattes, host and executive producer of Facing Life Head-On. “The program’s weekly message of life and hope is critical for America to hear right now, and the daily emails we receive from viewers show we’re really impacting their lives for the better! All those associated with the program are thrilled to receive these awards from experts in the field of film and TV production.”

More information regarding Facing Life Head-On, such as airing schedule, online viewing and episode resources, are available at

Life Issues Institute is dedicated to changing hearts and minds of millions of people through education. Organizations and individuals around the world depend upon Life Issues Institute to provide the latest information and effective tools to protect innocent human life from womb to tomb.


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