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The Latest News: Side-by-Side and Step-by-Step

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The Latest News Archive 2013

Side-by-Side and Step-by-Step

Today, I’m writing to you from the annual March for Life in Washington, DC. This monumental event marks the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade and also allows pro-life voices to unite together in an amazing display of determination for our cause. Allow me to share with you some of the important activities I’ve had the privilege of taking part in.

Yesterday, I led the board meeting of the International Right to Life Federation. We discussed the impact of abortion on a global scale. Roe v. Wade set a dangerous precedent and it’s one that many countries have sadly followed. Pro-life education and outreach are instrumental in empowering other nations to take a stand for life. Part of our discussion centered on the planning of a major worldwide event to take place later in 2013. In addition, I was also interviewed for a Dutch television program. Abortion has been legal in the Netherlands since 1984 and my good friend and fellow board member, Bert Dorenbos has been working tirelessly there to inform the public about pro-life education and advocacy.

Today, I was blessed to begin my day at the interdenominational National Prayer Service, surrounded by pro-lifers from across the country. As we gathered, there’s an element of grief for the past, and yet also an endearing hope for our future. Thousands came and assembled at Constitution Hall. I can’t fully describe the feeling of solidarity being surrounded by so many believers. It only served to strengthen our resolve leading up to the March.

The March itself is one of the largest civil protests in the world. This year marks the first event since the passing of its founder, Nellie Gray. With new leadership comes a renewed passion and big plans for the March. This year’s theme is the equation 40=55M, which signifies the forty years since Roe v. Wade and the 55 million babies who’ve lost their lives to abortion. At the rally prior to the March, speakers expressed messages of encouragement and fueling the vitality of the movement. Then, in symbolic fashion, we’re now all proceeding up Pennsylvania Avenue, past the Capitol and then in front of the Supreme Court building where the tragic ruling was made. The frigid temperature, and it’s very cold, isn’t chilling the enthusiasm of the pro-lifers.

The culmination of the March for Life activities is tonight at the Annual Rose Dinner. This is considered a “who’s who” of the pro-life movement and grassroots pro-lifers who came in for the March. Together we reflect on the day’s events as well as share our continued passion to save the lives of babies and their mothers from the horrors of abortion.

My week will conclude tomorrow with the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network board meeting. Here we’ll address the other side of the pro-life movement, combating euthanasia. I’m particularly excited about this meeting as we’ll be discussing future plans for a first-ever rehabilitation center in Terri’s name. This will be available to individuals who’re not getting treatment and essentially being “warehoused.” What a tribute this is for the Schiavo family to make a difference in the lives of others by honoring Terri’s legacy.

Reflecting on this week’s events reminds me just how important it is that you and I continue to take a stand. Just as we march side-by-side and step-by-step, that’s also how we must work each day in our diligent fight for life. Thank you for standing with me.


Bradley Mattes
Executive Director
Life Issues Institute


Life Issues Institute is dedicated to changing hearts and minds of millions of people through education. Organizations and individuals around the world depend upon Life Issues Institute to provide the latest information and effective tools to protect innocent human life from womb to tomb.

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