Breaking News Archive 2009
48 Hours
Sarah Capewell’s son is dead because of Britain’s nationalized health care system. Little Jayden was born premature at 21 weeks and 5 days after conception. If Jayden had been born just two days later, doctors would have worked to save his life. But the cutoff age for a premature baby under Britain’s National Health Service rationing guideline is 22 weeks.
Forty-eight hours denied Jayden the lifesaving healthcare that he needed to live. Even without it, he breathed on his own for two hours-a sure sign Jayden was a fighter. In spite of Sarah’s pleas with doctors to save his life, they refused to offer even the most remedial care. They told Sarah that before 22 weeks gestation, Jayden was only a fetus and had no human rights.
This and worse is what we can expect if President Obama successfully imposes government-controlled healthcare on American citizens. From the very first day, such a system would be desperate for money to keep it afloat. Nancy Pelosi told reporters that half the bill “will be paid for by squeezing excesses out of the system.” This means the rationing of healthcare-denying basic medical treatment to our most vulnerable citizens-would become commonplace. You and I can’t let that happen.
Contrary to the President’s claims the other night before Congress, abortion-on-demand would be funded and facilitated by his proposed plan. And the Capps amendment is nothing more than a smokescreen to cover up abortion funding. Here are more details if you’d like documentation. Unless it’s specifically prohibited, abortion would be incorporated as mainstream healthcare. If so, the number of abortions would skyrocket-an added death toll to those who succumb because of rationed care.
From a pro-life viewpoint, government-controlled healthcare is a blueprint for death and disaster. So now is the time to let your members of the Senate and House of Representatives know you oppose any plan that facilitates abortion or rationing. We can support healthcare reforms that don’t kill innocent human life.
During the next 48 hours please do the following in honor of Jayden. The President and pro-abortion leaders in Congress are pulling out all the stops. Our only hope is to mobilize pro-life citizens in a massive effort to contact their elected officials. We’ve made it easy to contact yours: Senators, Representatives, and President. If you don’t know who your senators and congressman are, click here and enter your zip code. The computer will do the rest.
If you’d like help composing an email, go here for sample text you can copy and paste. The important thing is to let your voice be heard before it’s too late. Please do it now, and share this email with others. America’s unborn babies and our vulnerable citizens need you now more than ever. Please use these next 48 hours to save lives!
Sincerely for the innocent human life,
Bradley Mattes
Executive Director
Life Issues Institute
Life Issues Institute is dedicated to changing hearts and minds of millions of people through education. Organizations and individuals around the world depend upon Life Issues Institute to provide the latest information and effective tools to protect innocent human life from womb to tomb.
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