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Breaking News: LIFE Comes to the Big Screen

ve8QAd   |   November 13, 2000

Breaking News Archive 2012

This Picture Can Save Countless Lives

I’m sure you are familiar with the saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” I have a touching story to share with you about a picture that has a pro-life message and how it can be used to help save countless lives.

Several years ago, a young mother walked alone down the streets of inner city Chicago. She was focused only on her destination. Facing an unplanned pregnancy, she had decided to have an abortion. At the clinic, she sat inside the exam room waiting for the procedure to begin. This could have been the beginning of the end, but miraculously, at the last moment, she did not go through with the abortion. She walked out of the clinic and chose to give her child life. In her own words, this mother reveals that she heard what can only be described as the voice of God saying, Don’t do this… I have a plan for this baby!”

Students God did have a plan. That baby has grown up to be renowned artist, Ron DiCianni. Gifted with astonishing creative abilities, Ron embarked on a career in illustration. After several decades serving clients such as Fortune 500 companies and the United States Olympic committee, he began to exclusively paint Scriptural themes. Ranked as one of the best-selling artists of all time, Ron’s work has been featured in galleries nationwide and included in both Christian and secular publications, earning seven ECPA God Medallion Awards. Now, he has devoted his latest work of art to conveying the pro-life message. Before I Formed You in the Womb is a stunning portrayal of the sanctity of life. Christ’s hand reaches out to touch the mother’s pregnant stomach, where you see the outline of an unborn child reaching back. Although I rarely find myself at a loss for words (and my wife will readily verify that), there are no words to express the emotions prompted by this painting.

Because my life is dedicated to pro-life efforts, I have the unique privilege to witness talented individuals who devote themselves to sharing a culture of life through different types of media.

                        As host of the TV program Facing Life Head-On, I am blessed to meet guests who use their personal life stories to advocate for life.

                        The Life Issues radio program has profiled musical artists spanning everything from country to rap, who share life-affirming inspiration using the gift of song.

                        Through the magic of film, producers and directors unite voice and imagery to engage their audience with a powerful message. Earlier this year, the heartwarming movie, October Baby brought the pro-life message to the big screen. (If you missed the chance to see it in theaters, it will be released on DVD September 11.)

The good news is you don’t have to make headlines to make a difference. Most pro-lifers are people who simply strive to take a stand for life in their everyday lives. There are many things you can do to help further the pro-life mission. In fact, I’d love for you to email me and share with us the ways that you are making an impact in your community.

Also, I want to let you know that if you are interested in purchasing the painting Before I Formed You in the Womb, it’s available at this link through our website. Each print will be personally signed by the artist. And we’re honored that 20% of the proceeds will be donated to Life Issues Institute. In addition, each print includes, at no cost, a copy of Ray Comfort’s incredible DVD 180, which chronicles the transformation of people on camera from pro-abortion to pro-life once they’re exposed to the truth behind abortion. These are both life-saving tools that can save babies’ lives. Please consider giving the gift of LIFE by sharing this special offer with your friends, family, church or others. Each of you serves as a valued partner in our life-affirming mission. Thank you for standing with us!


Bradley Mattes
Executive Director
Life Issues Institute


Life Issues Institute is dedicated to changing hearts and minds of millions of people through education. Organizations and individuals around the world depend upon Life Issues Institute to provide the latest information and effective tools to protect innocent human life from womb to tomb.

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