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Breaking News: Our Pro-Life Emmy®

ve8QAd   |   November 13, 2000

Breaking News Archive 2010

Our Pro-Life Emmy®

Emmy® Award - Brad Mattes - Facing Life Head-OnWinning isn’t everything, but it sure is nice! That’s how I felt Saturday night, when our weekly pro-life television program, Facing Life Head-On, received a regional Emmy® Award. Despite stiff competition, the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences honored us for being the “best of the best” in the category of Interview and Discussion. We believe this is a first for the pro-life movement – receiving an accolade at this level by the media industry, much less the Academy.

Here’s a link to a photo gallery of the event. And here’s a link to the TV episode that earned us the Emmy®.

We never set out to impress the media industry when we created the concept for this show. We weren’t thinking of gold-plated statues when we shared the stories of our guests or expected formal recognition for the long hours in the editing room. We simply saw a need and passionately sought to meet it. With the pro-abortion movement permeating liberal media outlets, we wanted to offer a quality alternative: inspirational television infused with a life-affirming message. Saturday night showed us we’re doing something right!

But don’t worry. Though we’re excited about this honor, we’re not about to kick back. The team is wrapping up our fourth season and, with your support, we aim to stretch higher, dig deeper and pursue even higher standards of excellence in the days ahead. With so many lives hanging in the balance, we can’t afford to do any less.

Thank you for being a part of this journey and the one to come. Facing Life Head-On started because you made it possible. Everyone who supported this endeavor – whether financially or prayerfully – owns a piece of this statue. And with the program reaching millions of homes across the nation, this statue also represents countless viewers who have made positive life choices because of what they’ve seen. That’s what we hoped, prayed and worked for, and that’ll always be the ultimate award.

Bradley Mattes
Host & Executive Producer, Facing Life Head-On
Executive Director, Life Issues Institute


Life Issues Institute is dedicated to changing hearts and minds of millions of people through education. Organizations and individuals around the world depend upon Life Issues Institute to provide the latest information and effective tools to protect innocent human life from womb to tomb.

Please visit our home page for more pro-life news!

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