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Latest News: Here’s why it’s such a big deal.

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Here’s why it’s such a big deal.

Congress Graphic It’s been just a month since the US Supreme Court ruled in favor of the healthcare mandate commonly known as Obamacare. While the headlines may have diminished, our resolve to combat this pro-abortion legislation has not. It’s only been strengthened. The Supreme Court ruling certainly was a disheartening blow; however it was not a knock-out.

The challenge we face is those who oppose Obamacare need to know there are two key things they can do to help protect innocent human life from the deadly threats contained in healthcare reform. First, there are many Americans who don’t realize why Obamacare is dangerous, so education is critical. And we have a new tool to help you do that.

Life Issues Institute has put together an informative fact sheet to help you educate your friends, family, church and community about the anti-life measures that exist within Obamacare including:

Abortion may become a required service

A mandatory and secretive abortion surcharge will be included in nearly all insurance plans

Physician-assisted suicide is not only covered, it is treated as an acceptable and expected medical practice

Second, Obamacare must be repealed. Many Americans may not realize that pro-life representatives in Congress attempted to add language to the bill that would explicitly deny federal funding of abortions. Unfortunately, none of the attempts succeeded, because pro-abortion politicians then controlled the House of Representatives. That means within the many pages of Obamacare, there’s nothing that will prevent your tax dollars from funding abortions.

Again, education is absolutely critical. You and I must make sure our pro-life family members, neighbors, coworkers and church members know which candidates will vote to reverse Obamacare. (Click here to view the list of candidates who pledge to repeal Obamacare.) Now is the time for pro-lifers to stand firm and say no to all of its embedded anti-life provisions. We must take every measure possible to ensure its repeal.

Please take the time to educate yourself and then share your knowledge with those you know. The Obamacare Fact Sheet called Why You Should Be Concerned About Obamacare is available on our website. You can download and print it for use in bulletin inserts, newsletters or hand-outs. It can also be shared via Facebook or email. We cannot afford to be silent while so many fellow Americans are vulnerable to attacks on their lives.

Standing up for the right to LIFE,

Bradley Mattes
Executive Director
Life Issues Institute


Life Issues Institute is dedicated to changing hearts and minds of millions of people through education. Organizations and individuals around the world depend upon Life Issues Institute to provide the latest information and effective tools to protect innocent human life from womb to tomb.

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