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Breaking News: A Supreme Injustice

ve8QAd   |   November 13, 2000

Breaking News Archive 2011

A Supreme Injustice

The abortion industry, its supporters and the Obama administration are diligently working hand-in-hand.  The two have enthusiastically coordinated their efforts to ensure that Mr. Obama’s policy of abortion-on-demand will be protected for a long time to come.

Take, for example, the president’s newest pro-abortion Supreme Court justice: Elena Kagan . . .

According to 28 USC 455, the Supreme Court justice must recuse herself from judging a case in which her impartiality can be reasonably questioned. This law also states that a justice must also recuse herself if—while in a previous government service she served as counsel or adviser on the case or expressed an opinion about its merits.

Despite being taken to task by watchdogs like the Media Research Center and Judicial Watch, the Justice Department has refused to respond to most of the numerous Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. They seek to uncover Ms. Kagan’s part in Obamacare as the former Solicitor General. After partially responding to scant few of these requests, the department’s email correspondence suggests that Ms. Kagan had some part in shaping the legislation’s defense.

Following a letter signed by 49 House members that urges an investigation into contradictory statements by the Justice Department, the House Judiciary Committee is now launching a probe into the extent of Ms. Kagan’s involvement.

For those who’ve worked alongside of Ms. Kagan, its triggered a scramble to spin their questionable correspondence on the matter. It looks like a cover-up in the making.

Its no secret that the Supreme Court was monumental in sealing the death warrant for over 54-million unborn babies since 1973. However, if Ms. Kagan is allowed to escape clear legal hurdles that might reveal her conflict of interest; she ll be just one more puzzle piece to ensuring that government-sanctioned abortion will be prolonged for years to come through Obamacare.

With so many pro-life victories this year alone, we cant afford to take what would be a monumental step backward in fighting for the unborn. We need your help to press our government officials to hold a full and complete investigation into Ms. Kagan. Please contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee by email or phone (202-225-3951) and urge them to quickly move forward on this crucial matter.

Bradley Mattes
Executive Director
Life Issues Institute


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