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Breaking News: This is worth celebrating

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This is worth celebrating

Sunday is Mother’s Day, but of course you probably knew that. This special day holds a different perspective for me now that my mom has passed away and our children are grown and have taken on the responsibilities of honoring my wife. So instead of planning for the special event, I’ve spent time reflecting on the status of mothers in America.

Recently motherhood was the victim of a full, frontal attack by the pro-abortion liberal elites. You were probably as outraged as me when Hilary Rosen pompously declared that Ann Romney, wife of presidential candidate Mitt Romney, has  “never worked a day in her life.”

As the second of five boys and the father of four sons, I can assure Hilary Rosen and Barack Obama that stay-at-home moms work very hard. Her comment exposed the contempt and disregard of women who choose the noble career of dedicating themselves full-time to nurture and raise their children. Of course this doesn’t mean mothers working outside the home are any less honorable. That’s the neat thing about Mother’s Day. It’s a ringing, full-throated endorsement of all women who say yes to life.

Mother’s Day can also be bittersweet—often more bitter than sweet—for women who’ve experienced abortion. It’s a time we should reach out to those moms with loving arms and assure them of the forgiveness found in Jesus.

There’s lots of inspiring things you can find on the Internet that honors and celebrates mothers. I want to tell you about one I just watched. It’s about a young married woman named Lacey Buchanan from Woodbury, TN who has a baby boy named Christian. This brief video is really a must-see that will leave you inspired about motherhood and the blessings that come, even when circumstances are less than expected or hoped for.

When you watch, please pay attention to the young mother’s facial expressions as she tells Christian’s story. They speak much louder than words, and clearly reveal the love and passion this young woman has for her son. I’d like to give her a big hug and tell her she’s a wonderful mother. And I’d love to hear Christian’s giggle. Click here to watch video.

My hope and prayer is that you celebrate Mother’s Day regardless of your situation. There’s no more demanding and fulfilling job on the face of this earth. You and I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for mom. Whether we celebrate their memory or their presence in our lives, let the whole world know you love them for saying yes to life.

Sincerely for babies and their mothers,

Bradley Mattes
Executive Director
Life Issues Institute


Life Issues Institute is dedicated to changing hearts and minds of millions of people through education. Organizations and individuals around the world depend upon Life Issues Institute to provide the latest information and effective tools to protect innocent human life from womb to tomb.

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