Breaking News Archive 2011
Living Hope
Laura didnt want an abortion. Neither did her boyfriend. But a few months ago, the Texas high school student faced severe pressure to get rid of the baby. Lauras parents absolutely insisted it be done, so, twice, her mother took the 16-year-old in to abortion facilities.
We got into a big argument, Laura recounted. Her mother dragged her behind a couple of trees in the parking lot and pushed her down. When Laura stood up to run away, her mother grabbed her again and literally dragged her to the front door of the abortion mill. Thankfully, a sidewalk counselor at one of the sites reached out to Laura, encouraging her to stand strong and protect the life of her baby. It wouldnt be an easy journey, but the teen was willing.
Thats when attorneys with The Justice Foundations Center Against Forced Abortion stepped in, intervening on Lauras behalf with a court order. As one of the attorneys, Stephen Casey, put it: No one should be allowed to decide that an innocent life especially one that belongs to someone else is worthless. So Laura and her baby are safe. She is due to give birth next month, and we wish her well.
Sadly, countless other minors never escape similar coercion. Threatened with the loss of privileges, housing or even life, they know no other option but to comply. Perhaps, too, their fear-stricken parents are unaware of the penalties of forcing an abortion. Thats why my friends at The Justice Foundation created a powerful set of tools, including a letter to parents, a letter to a pregnant minor, and a notice of coercion to abortionists. Molded with care and compassion, these resources outline the legal rights of minors and the legal consequences of coercive abortions.
We are doing our part to spread the word, too. Our film crew is devoting an upcoming episode of Facing Life Head-On to this very topic. If you know of a young woman who, as a minor, faced pressure to have an abortion, invite her to contact us. By sharing her story, perhaps we can save others in dire situations.
And please, pass these resources along to others. Give these new young mothers hope. I can think of no gesture more timely than now, as we prepare to celebrate the new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ Lets all have a happy and hopeful Easter.
Bradley Mattes
Executive Director
Life Issues Institute
Life Issues Institute is dedicated to changing hearts and minds of millions of people through education. Organizations and individuals around the world depend upon Life Issues Institute to provide the latest information and effective tools to protect innocent human life from womb to tomb.
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