Breaking News Archive 2011
Have a Heart
Ohios General Assembly received quite the Valentines this week. Thousands of bright red, heart-shaped balloons were delivered, coinciding with the introduction of the Ohio Human Heart Protection Act.
Ohio is poised to make history with the legislation the first in the nation to stop the silencing of beating hearts through abortion. With more than 47 co-sponsors, the bill protects all unborn babies whose hearts have begun to beat. This generally occurs four to six weeks after conception. Heres whats at stake! Listen to a babys heartbeat at six weeks.
My colleague, Dr. Jack Willke, and I strongly support the Heartbeat bill. This bill is a giant step toward our goal since it will protect at least 95 percent of all babies in Ohio who would otherwise be aborted, Dr. Willke recently wrote in a letter to Ohio legislators. Hes right. Its a giant step forward, and one we should be brave enough to take.
Of course, there will be pessimists and naysayers. But what makes this initiative so unique is the focus. The legislation avoids complicated issues of contraception and in vitro fertilization areas that consistently result in the downfall of other initiatives. With this bill, simply affirming the significance of a heartbeat, there is little to argue. And that has pro-abortion groups terrified.
Kellie Copeland of NARAL in Ohio sounded the alarm to her followers. This is serious, she said. This is the real deal. Another acknowledged that the bill truly has the potential to change the landscape of abortion and represents a devastating blow to the industry.
The debate over partial-birth abortion focused Americans on the humanity of the unborn child late in pregnancy. It helped to turn public sentiment in our favor. Imagine if the Heartbeat Bill will focus Americans on the humanity of the unborn child early in pregnancy. That will be a game changer in our efforts to end abortion.
Will it work? We wont know unless we try. Back in 1995, Ohio became the first state to adopt a partial-birth abortion ban. The courts promptly squashed the measure. But 28 other states followed course, and by 2003, the Supreme Court changed their mind, ruling in our favor. We succeeded because we resolved to get right back on the horse. We learned that a can-do attitude, a well-crafted proposal, and a lot of prayers are crucial to success.
While its fitting the journey should begin in Ohio the state known as The Heart of it All the measure is gaining interest in other areas: Texas, Georgia, Oklahoma, Kansas and Arizona, to name a few. Please be a part of this historic, life-saving effort! Contact Ohio legislators and encourage them to pass the bill. The babies are counting on us. They need our voices to speak up, so their heartbeats can be heard.
Bradley Mattes
Executive Director
Life Issues Institute
Life Issues Institute is dedicated to changing hearts and minds of millions of people through education. Organizations and individuals around the world depend upon Life Issues Institute to provide the latest information and effective tools to protect innocent human life from womb to tomb.
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