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Breaking News: Change of Plans

ve8QAd   |   November 13, 2000

Breaking News Archive 2011

Change of Plans

These days it’s harder to find good television programming. But as a TV host myself, I know a good thing when I see it. A great family-friendly movie airs tomorrow night called, “Change of Plans”. It’s another in a series of good programming from a joint effort by Wal-Mart and Proctor & Gamble. The movie offers a heartwarming illustration of how blessing and fulfillment can be found in even the most difficult of circumstances. Not only is it encouraging to see stars of American Idol and The Cosby Show involved in the production, it’s also a breath of fresh air to see strong family values promoted and broadcast in the mainstream media.

The story centers on Sally and Jason Danville, an accomplished young couple living life on the go. With successful careers and lifelong dreams just within reach, everything changes the day Sally learns her best friend has died and left four children—three adopted from third-world countries—in Sally’s care. The couple agrees to take the kids in temporarily, until a new, better home can be found. They urge social workers to hurry things along, before the kids “get attached”. But here’s where the story takes an interesting twist for Sally and Jason.

Obviously, a message like this resounds profoundly with those of us in the pro-life movement. Every day we encounter young men and women faced with a change they are certain is a mistake. Many saw their plans for the future crumble the moment they discovered an unexpected pregnancy or physical disability. They sit in fear, unsure of their ability to adapt to this interruption, this new responsibility. These vulnerable young parents desperately need to hear truth: that a life-affirming decision, while scary, can usher in a brighter, happier future than they ever imagined.

“Change of Plans” proclaims that truth, and I pray it will resonate with mothers and fathers facing big decisions even this week. Of course I’m not going to tell you how it ends, so tune in to Fox tomorrow night, Saturday, January 8, at 8 p.m. EST, to watch for yourself. We need to support those who’ve responded to our call for family-friendly TV programming. And best of all, it’s worth your time.

Bradley Mattes
Executive Director, Life Issues Institute
Host, Facing Life Head-On


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