We hear much about opinion polls. Commonly you only read the headlines and aren’t even told what the wording of the question was. You are also rarely given a thorough breakdown. Therefore, a close examination of this poll is of substantial interest. It is a CNN/USA Today/Gallup nationwide poll done in July 2000. After considerable effort, we were able to get the complete results. Let’s look at it.
Q: With respect to the abortion issue, would you consider yourself to be pro-choice or pro-life?
A: Male – 50% pro-choice, 40% pro-life.
Female – 53% pro-choice, 38% pro-life.
Q: Do you think abortion should be legal underÂ…
1) Any circumstances
2) Only under certain circumstances
3) In only a few circumstances
4) Illegal in all circumstances
A: Male -1) 28%; 2) 11%; 3) 38%; 4) 19%.
Female – 1) 25%; 2) 13%; 3) 42%; 4) 17%.
Q: Considering how the abortion issue might affect your vote for major offices, would you
Only vote for a candidate who shares your views on abortion?
A: Yes – Male 15%, Female 12%
Consider a candidate’s position on abortion as just one of many important factors when voting?
A: Yes – Male 49%, Female 50%
Not see abortion as a major issue?
A: Yes – Male 57%, Female 29%
Q: Considering how abortion might affect your vote for major offices, would you
Only vote for a candidate who shares your views on abortion?
A: For those who would prefer it legal in all circumstances – 15%
For those preferring it illegal in all circumstances – 30%
Q: Should abortion be legal when the woman’s life is in danger?
A: Yes – Male 86%. Female 83%
No – Male 11%, Female 12%
Q: Should abortion be legal when the woman’s physical health is in danger?
A: Yes – Male 80%, Female 81%
No – Male 15%, Female 15%
Q: Should abortion be legal when the woman’s mental health is in danger?
A: Yes – Male 63%, Female 65%
No – Male 30%, Female 28%
Q: Should abortion be legal when there’s evidence that the baby may be physically impaired?
A: Yes – Male 50%, Female 56%
No – Male 43%, Female 36%
Q: Should abortion be legal when the pregnancy is caused by rape or incest?
A: Yes – Male 78%, Female 78%
No – Male 19%, Female 18%
Q: Should abortion be legal when she cannot afford to raise the child?
A: Yes – Male 33%, Female 35%
No – Male 62%, Female 61%
Q: Should abortion be legal in the first three months?
A: Yes – Male 63%, Female 67%
No – Male 34%, Female 28%
Q: Should abortion be legal in the second three months of pregnancy?
A: Yes – Male 26%, Female 22%
No – Male 66%, Female 71%
Q: Should abortion be legal in the last three months of pregnancy?
A: Yes – Male 11%, Female 6%
No – Male 83%, Female 88%
Q: Should partial-birth abortion be legal in the last six months of pregnancy?
A: Yes – Male 29%, Female 30%
No – Male 67%, Female 64%
It is very important from time to time for all citizens, pro-life and pro-abortion, to get past labels. As is quite obvious from the above, those who consider themselves pro-choice and those who consider themselves pro-life have vast differences within each of the above categories. For instance, while better than two-thirds consider themselves to be pro-choice, less than 10% of these would permit it in the last three months, yet they contradict themselves in Question #2, saying that 28% and 25% would approve it “in all circumstances.”
If a law were to be crafted and observed nationwide reflecting the above majority public opinion, the law would read as follows. Abortion would only be legal in the first three months, for the life of the mother, rape and incest, fetal handicap, and threat to the physical and mental health of the mother. There is only one question in the above relating to social and economic reasons and that is “if she could not affordÂ….” Over the years, all polls have shown approval for social and economic reasons clustered in the 30 to 40% range. The important thing to emphasize here is that about 98% of all abortions are done for social and economic reasons. Life of the mother, as a reason for induced abortion, is non-existent. Physical health problems, rape and fetal handicap account for only about 2%. The general public, according to this, puts mental health in the category of serious problems justifying abortion. In fact, no mental health problem is improved, but rather is usually worsened by abortion, so this specific answer should be disregarded.
Without question, the most significant answer above is in bold type. It clearly states that those who are pro-life are twice as likely to vote this conviction, as are those who are pro-abortion.
So if such a law was to be crafted, it would forbid, at present, approximately 98% of all currently done abortions. Media people, political people and all citizens should be made aware of the above facts.
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