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Reaching Women & Men at College

ve8QAd   |   January 01, 1997

According to 1992 Planned Parenthood statistics on abortion clientele, women 18 to 24 years of age underwent almost half (49%) of all of the 130,844 abortions performed by them. It comes as no surprise that Planned Parenthood often locates their abortion clinics within easy access to universities across the country.

This grisly news is compounded by statistics from the Alan Guttmacher Institute, the research arm of Planned Parenthood. They estimate that during the same year, 44.7% of all abortions were repeat abortions, meaning two or more. As a result, the nation’s colleges and universities provide lucrative, fertile ground for the abortion industry.

Feminists for Life of America (FFL) have developed a program to counter the high number of abortions among college-age women. The “Send a Kit to Campus” project was established to acquaint women with the many choices, besides abortion, to unexpected pregnancies.

Serrin Foster, FFL Executive Director, said, “Women should not be forced to choose between their children and their education. Colleges and universities will be challenged to provide housing for pregnant women, mothers and babies; on-site child care; and maternity coverage in the student health care plan. For the first time, women will be offered real reasons to question abortion.”

FFL’s efforts don’t end with women. They will also be educating fathers regarding new laws pertaining to paternity establishment and child support enforcement. According to Foster, “Partners will no longer be able to threaten women and abandon their children by offering to pay for an abortion but refusing to pay a dime in child support. …they have entered into an invisible contract to care for their children for the next 18 years.”

The kits contain instructions regarding pregnancy-related counseling, a Rolodex card with resources and FFL’s new brochure You’re Not Alone. They are to be sent to residential, health and psychological counselors on campuses. In addition, they have developed striking new print ads for college and university publications which encourage students to question abortion.

Also available is a second kit, FFL’s Pro-Life Feminist History Kit, stressing the strong pro-life positions of early, famous feminists.

If you or an organization is interested in obtaining this packet, or if you would like additional information, contact: FFL, 733 15th St., NW, Ste. 1100, Washington, DC 20005. Phone (202) 737-3352. Or visit their Web site at http:www.serve.comfem4life.

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