Sidewalk counselors are the on the frontlines of the fight for life. Their ministry serves as the last hope for unborn babies who are about to be aborted. Dawn Argentina and Elsy Varela are experienced sidewalk counselors who join us to share their stories of reaching those women outside the abortion facility.
Bridge Women’s Center
The primary purpose of The Bridge Women’s Center is to provide life-affirming choices for women and families facing unintended pregnancies and share the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, all for the glory of God. We provide complete and accurate information, along with our no-cost services: pregnancy testings, ultrasounds, material assistance, and counseling support to women who are facing an unintended pregnancy. We offer life skills training to our clients through our mentoring curriculum.
Success on the Sidewalk
Abortion is now illegal in Texas. In a display that Planned Parenthood woefully underestimated the pro-life movement, they built the largest abortion mill in the Western hemisphere in Houston in the middle of Black and Hispanic neighborhoods. Now the abortion giant is referring women to out-of-state facilities. That’s why Sidewalk Advocates for Life have a mobile ultrasound unit parked out front offering free resources.
Free Speech Denied
Reverend Walter Hoye has spent the past several years offering sidewalk counseling to women considering abortion outside an abortion facility in Oakland, California. But according to a new Oakland City Law, Walter’s counseling is now considered harassment. The new law, called the Bubble Ordinance prohibits sidewalk counselors from getting within 8 feet of women entering abortion facilities, making it nearly impossible for the counselors to offer help. The law only applies to pro-life advocates.
Abortionist Runs Over Sidewalk Counselor
These days it’s a battle defending unborn babies, and Mark Zimmerman – a pro-life sidewalk counselor – knows this firsthand. While standing in the driveway of a Saginaw, Michigan abortion center, 88-year-old abortionist Theodore Roummel ran over him not once but twice, breaking his leg. The injury required surgery and hardware to repair. Witnesses saw the abortionist get out of his car and laugh at the victim.
Armed Sidewalk Counselor Protects Woman
Pro-lifers were outside a San Antonio abortion center when a young woman drove in. A sidewalk counselor was quickly at her car, encouraging her to visit the pro-life pregnancy center across the street when the trunk of her car popped open. Out stepped a man who they think knew the woman. He began shooting out windows at the abortion center and then, setting his sights on the woman, continued firing.
Dawn Argentina who suffered an abortion felt called when her church opened a Pro-Life Ministry to join. She began working for Bridge Women’s Clinic in 2013 when it first started. In 2020 she began working with their mobile unit as a sidewalk counselor. She and her husband Stephen work to help women choose life for their babies.
Elsy Varela also has been with the Bridge Women’s Center from the beginning. She has shared her love of Christ with all those who are considering abortion. She has been a faithful sidewalk prayer warrior for many years. When the Center managed to purchase a Mobile unit, Elsy has been outside abortion clinics assisting women to choose life. She is also experienced with after-abortion care having gone through the program of “Forgiven and Set Free”. She now also counsels those who have suffered an abortion.
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