
Pro-Life Maternity Homes – Straight Talk on Life Issues


When a woman finds out that she is facing an unplanned pregnancy, she needs compassion, hope, and accurate information. Pro-life maternity hopes provide just that. Brad and Victor are joined this week by Gina Tomes, Faith Cintron, and Gina Tijerina as they discuss the importance of pro-life maternity homes and their tremendous value to the women and children that they serve. Join us for this special episode of Straight Talk on Life Issues.  


Aid for Women

Aid for Women understands that every woman’s situation is different. We provide a confidential and comfortable place for you to meet with our Nurses and Advocates to discuss your situation. You will receive the services and information you need to understand and make a fully-informed decision and move forward with your pregnancy plan.

All services are offered FREE OF CHARGE.

Maternity Homes Coalition

The Maternity Housing Coalition exists to inspire excellence among maternity housing providers and articulate a collective voice to advance the culture of life and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We provide training and tools, facilitate exchanges of knowledge and experiences, and foster fellowship among members.



Good Counsel Homes

Since 1985 we’ve helped more than 8,000 homeless women and children move from a crisis situation to receive concrete help and build a brighter future.

What started as an unexpected encounter between Chris Bell and a young, homeless mother in New York City, has grown into a group of maternity homes called Good Counsel.

Abortion Reversal Hotline


Have you taken the first dose of the abortion pill? Do you regret your decision and wish you could reverse the effects of the abortion pill?
We’re here for you!

Life on Wheels – Alambama


We use the power of ultrasound to:

  • Serve women

  • Save babies

  • Share Jesus.


We envision an abortion-free Alabama because nobody wants one.


Gina Tomes has since 1991, spearheaded and empowered individuals and human services pro-life programming and housing for women who are pregnant, homeless, experiencing crisis and choose life. Gina had the honor of speaking at the 2023 March for Life in Washington D. C. on behalf of Maternity Homes throughout the United States.

Faith Cintron stated her career as a live-in housemother at Cornerstone Young Women’s Learning Center in Illinois. In 2016, she began working for Aid for Women. She spends time one-on-one getting to know every woman and child who lives in the homes. She helps them navigate everything from relearning basic hygiene to maintaining sobriety.

Gina Tijerina has been working in Maternity Housing for a little over a year now.  She is very excited to be a light and an inspiration to all of the women in the home. Her favorite part of the job is the time spent with Moms. Be it housing interviews, or day to day life with the Moms, getting to know them, finding out their likes and dislikes, and being able to help in any way possible  to reach their goals.

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