When parents are faced with the potential death of a newborn or a stillborn birth, the challenges can seem insurmountable. Pro-abortion advocates will attempt to pressure the family into aborting their baby. Perinatal hospice is a more loving option that helps families deal with these heartbreaking circumstances. This week we are joined by Kathy Pittman, Stephanie Grimm, and Erin Ballard as they highlight the importance of this life-affirming option.

The Perinatal Hospice & Bereavement in Northern Illinois – The Haven Network
One of the most challenging, emotional and difficult times in a person’s life can be enduring the death of ones’ baby or child. All the hopes and dreams the parents had for their baby are gone in a heartbeat. In its place is a world divided into the “before” and “after” that parents must learn to navigate. In the short time parents may have with their baby lives all the love and memories they will treasure for the rest of their lives.

Perinatal Hospice, the Most Loving Option
Few things in life derail a parent’s world more than being informed that the unborn baby they were excitedly anticipating has an illness deemed “incompatible with life” or “a life-limiting condition.” Perinatal hospice is the most loving option.
At times like these medical professionals should proceed with great sensitivity and compassion, realizing that even though this child’s life will likely be short, she is a gift from God. Her brief presence on this earth will serve a purpose often known only to the Creator.

Perinatal Hospice a Better Outcome
When a woman’s faced with the tragic reality her unborn child’s condition is incompatible with life, over half are immediately given the option of abortion. But a new study demonstrates abortion’s not the answer. Perinatal hospice is. These organizations walk with the mother and father throughout the pregnancy and beyond to help them deal with the loss of their baby.
Days of Grace
When Scott and Sara Sautel learned they were pregnant with twins, they were ecstatic. Then, they were given news no parent ever wants to hear: still in utero, their daughter, Grace, suffered from a fatal heart defect and might not even survive to birth.
That’s when The Haven Network stepped in. The second independent community program of its kind, Haven is a perinatal hospice care organization that provides both emotional and practical support to families dealing with the loss of a pre-born or newborn child.

NEVER Accept This Advice
I really detest abuse of authority. And nowhere are the consequences graver than when the life of a baby is at stake. Imagine the scene. A mother and father have just received the tragic news of a grim, prenatal diagnosis for their unborn baby. While still in shock and very vulnerable, one of the first recommendations their doctor makes is abortion. Oh it may be disguised as “termination” or “early induction,” but make no mistake, what he or she is recommending is abortion—the intentional killing of their precious baby.
I have several friends who are doctors. They and many others wouldn’t dream of recommending abortion under any circumstance. But unfortunately this scenario happens with appalling regularity.

Kathy Pittman is the Co-Executive Director and Director of Photography at The Haven Network. She has been with The Haven Network for nearly 17 years and compassionately supports families in her community enduring the death of their baby via miscarriage, stillbirth, SIDS, early infant death or terminal diagnosis. She has spoken at local churches, service organizations and medical conferences.
Stephanie Grimm is Co-Executive Director at The Haven Network. She is also the facilitator for The Haven Network’s “Gatherings” support group. She has been with The Haven Network for nine years and brings care and compassion to bereaved families. She has spoken at local churches, service organizations, medical conferences, A Walk to Remember and the Angel of Hope ceremonies, and received a Birth and Bereavement Doula certification from the StillBirthday benevolent organization.

Erin Ballard lives in northern Illinois with her husband, Jason, and two sons. She is also the mother of six babies gone too soon. Evelyn was stillborn in 2021, Bethany in 2022, and four other babies lost to early miscarriage. She, her husband, and their sons share their babies’ stories to keep their memories alive and include them in their family.
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