Is abortion really safer than childbirth? Abortion advocates, and even Supreme Court Justices, have cited the claim that abortion is safer than childbirth. It is often used to present abortion as a solution to maternal mortality concerns. Medical experts Dr. Ingrid Skop, Dr. Tara Lee Sanders, and Dr. James Studniski join us to discuss this crucial topic and debunk the false claim. For information and education you can trust, join us for Straight Talk on Life Issues!
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Pregnancy is NOT more dangerous than abortion. Learn the facts about Maternal health and abortion risks. Charlotte Lozier Institute created a series on Women’s Health to refute the lies being spread by the abortion industry.
Keep yourself informed by learning the facts about abortion and maternal health.
Choose Life: Answering Key Claims of Abortion Defenders with Compassion
You’re pro-life. But can you explain why? You already believe in choosing life. But when the counterarguments are coming at you from every angle—legal, biological, medical, ethical, moral, philosophical, and biblical—how do you defend the pro-life view? And as you defend it . . . how do you speak with wisdom, humility, and compassion? Now more than ever, the times call for a balance of truth and mercy. There are good, wise, and thoughtful rebuttals of every claim made by pro-abortion advocates. Collected here in one place, Choose Life offers you reasonable responses from leading experts in their respective fields. The authors are accomplished women and men from all walks of life. They’ll help you know what to say—and why to say it—when you’re faced with claims
It’s time to set aside the strident fist-shaking and hurled insults. Learn to make the pro-life case with intelligent arguments and compassionate love—just the way a Christian should.
Dr. Ingrid Skop is Vice President and Director of Medical Affairs for Charlotte Lozier Institute, leveraging more than 25 years’ experience as a practicing obstetrician-gynecologist. Dr. Skop’s research on maternal mortality, abortion, and women’s health has been published in multiple peer-reviewed journals.
Dr. Tara Sander Lee is Vice President and Director of Life Sciences at the Charlotte Lozier Institute. Dr. Sander Lee is published in various medical journals and textbooks, including her most recent contribution to the book, Choose Life: Answering Key Claims of Abortion Defenders with Compassion.
Dr. James Studnicki is Vice President and Director of Data Analytics at the Lozier Institute. Dr. Studnicki’s research has focused on the use of large-scale databases, and associated information technology, in analyzing outcomes at the patient, hospital and community levels.
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