
Holocaust vs Abortion Any Difference?
Straight Talk on Life Issues


The holocaust took the lives of millions of innocent people and is regarded as among the worst human rights violations that the world has ever seen. Tragically, another mass extermination is taking place today in the form of abortion. Joining us all the way from Israel, Sandy Shoshani and Laurel Sternberg discuss the horrors of what happens when human life is devalued.  

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Helping Israeli Women and Men Choose Life

Estimates say 1/5 of all pregnancies in Israel end in abortion. Since 1948, more babies have been aborted in Israel than the number of children that died in the Holocaust. Yet despite the nation’s deeply rooted respect for life, Israel is one of the only countries in the world where it is legal to abort a baby up until birth.

We bring hope to women in crisis pregnancies by providing counseling, education, and practical provision. In this way we help the men and women of Israel choose LIFE.



A Modern Day Holocaust

While president, Ronald Reagan designated January twenty-second National Sanctity of Human Life Day. It’s the anniversary of two US Supreme Court cases—Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton—that legalized abortion for any reason throughout pregnancy. Since then, churches throughout America have traditionally observed Sanctity of Life Sunday…

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Holocaust Survivor Compares WHO with Hitler

Peggy Lennon Clores of Huntington, New York, says the World Health Organization is worse than Hitler’s Nazi thugs—and she should know. Peggy’s grandparents were killed at Auschwitz. Her mother famously survived because she had a musical talent to entertain the Nazi troops. Peggy’s speaking out against a guide published by the World Health Organization that teaches readers in other countries effective ways to kill preborn children during pregnancy.

Listen to full story →

Visualizing Abortion Statistics: Who’s Being Killed and Why?

Human Life International in an article by Brian Clowes, PhD, put together some descriptions in order to create the ability to better understand the number of lives lost to abortion.

Here is the link →



Sandy Shoshani is the National Director of the Be’ad Chaim Association, Israel Prolife. In 1979, she immigrated to Israel and later met her husband Oded. Oded and Sandy lead the thriving Hebrew speaking congregation Melech HaMelachim (King of Kings). Sandy is passionate about protecting mothers from the pain of abortion and protecting the lives of the unborn. 

Laurel Sternberg is a Messianic Jew who chose to abort her own babies twice, many years ago, before she was a believer. Considering these to be two of the worst decisions she ever made, she provides encouragement and help in ways she wishes she had received. 

Through Pro-Life Israel,  she supports women who are considering abortion. She also provides grief counseling to women and couples who have lost babies through miscarriages, stillbirths, or abortions at the Gardens of Life in Israel. 



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