
Faithful Medical School


Exciting news is on the horizon as a Catholic hospital is coming to the United States. Dedicated to honoring the sanctity of life, this hospital will also house a faithful medical school which will be passionately pro-life. Bobby Schindler, Jere Palazzolo, and George Mychaskiw join us this week to share the exciting details with you.  

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Follow the Science

In this book, Dr. George Mychaskiw, a faithful Catholic, pediatric cardiac anesthesiologist takes an unvarnished, direct and unapologetically Catholic look at some of today’s most important bioethical and episcopal issues, including:

  • The common arguments supporting abortion on demand and why they are simply invalid.
  • The irrational and non-scientific basis for gender ideology.
  • The contemporary genocide against the disabled, elderly and other “inconvenient” people.

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Pushing Patients Down a Deadly Path

This is chilling.  A fifty-one-year-old grandmother was prepped for surgery to undergo a mastectomy for breast cancer.  Just before being wheeled in, the doctor asked her about Medical Aid in Dying, Canada’s gentle term for their euthanasia program.

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A Glass Half Empty, Abortion Advocacy in Medicine

When one thinks about abortion advocacy within the medical community, obstetricians and gynecologists come to mind. But this cancer has infiltrated other medical specialties.

There are many, many doctors and medical professionals who value the sanctity of life and work hard to protect and nurture innocent human life from the moment of fertilization until natural death. I personally know numerous such doctors and admire how their belief is reflected in everything they do.

But that’s not true with every physician.  Read full article →

Studies Show Hidden Consciousness in “Unconscious” Patients

Human life is a precious gift from God, something that should never be cast aside or taken for granted. Tragically, there are those in the medical world who support doing just that.

Patients labeled as “unconscious” have, in some cases, been abandoned by the very professionals who are supposed to help them. Hospitals and insurance companies often view these individuals through the dehumanizing lens of “vegetables,” considering them a burden on resources.  Read full article →


Man Wakes Up as his Organs Were About to be Harvested

You may be aware of a Kentucky man waking up as they were about to harvest his organs for donation. It’s good news that Anthony Thomas Hoover II (TJ) is alive, but the circumstances surrounding this event as reported by multiple news sources are horrifying.

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The Dangers of Brain Death Diagnosis

Many well-meaning people sign up to donate their organs when they die. However, what they may not know are the dangers of a brain death diagnosis and how it relates to organ donation. 

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The Real Life Undead

Everyday patients in America are diagnosed “brain dead,” and more than half, according to one organ procurement individual, become organ and tissue donors. What’s alarming is that most Americans are clueless regarding the subjective nature of a brain death diagnosis.

The more I read on this topic the better I understand the motivation behind the growing popularity of brain death diagnoses. Recently, I’ve discovered a piece that made things much clearer.  Read full article →


Bobby Schindler is President of the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network, a Paige Comstock Cunningham Senior Fellow at Americans United for Life, and an Associate Scholar at the Charlotte Lozier Institute. Bobby advocates for the medically vulnerable in honor of Terri Schiavo, his sister.  

Jere Palazzolo has over 40 years of experience in executive leadership and the delivery of healthcare services. He received a Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.  

Mr. Palazzolo has presented at national and local forums and has published several articles on current issues and trends in the delivery of healthcare services.

Dr. George Mychaskiw is Director of Perioperative Services, Professor and Vice-Chair of Anesthesiology at the Ochsner-LSU Health Science Center in Shreveport, LA. He received his medical degree from the Kansas City University, College of Osteopathic Medicine. 

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