
United Nations Promoting Sex With Minors

Bradley Mattes   |   May 25, 2023

On International Women’s Day, organizations backed by the United Nations released a report outlining their approach to criminal laws regarding sex with minors. The report’s stated goal is to address how criminal law can violate the rights of “vulnerable groups” – i.e., pedophiles – and pushes a “workable legal framework” to protect them, not their victims!

We can’t make this stuff up.

There are 21 “principles” outlined in the document. Included among these are calls for the decriminalization of sex work (prostitution) and the total legalization of abortion.

Astonishingly, this isn’t the most disturbing part of the report. Of all the principles listed, one has gotten much more public attention and has left many questioning if the UN and its allies are trying to promote sex between adults and minors.

Principle 16, “Consensual Sexual Conduct” calls for the decriminalization of consensual sex regardless of gender, sexual orientation, marital status, etc. The passage is only three paragraphs long, but the text used in the final paragraph is alarming if not appalling:

Moreover, sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law. In this context, the enforcement of criminal law should reflect the rights and capacity of persons under 18 years of age to make decisions about engaging in consensual sexual conduct and their right to be heard in matters concerning them. …” (Pages 22 to 23) (emphasis added)

The first sentence of this paragraph suggests that some adolescents may have the ability to consent to sex despite being under the legal minimum age of consent. Similar language appears in the report’s preamble:

Emphasizing that, with respect to the application of criminal law in connection with consent, international human rights law requires paying due regard to: … adolescents’ evolving capacity to consent in certain contexts, in fact, even if not in law, when they are below the prescribed minimum age of consent in domestic law; …” (Page 12) (emphasis added)

In response to the deserved backlash, those within the UN claimed that the report’s intended message was that “criminal sanctions are not appropriate against adolescents of similar ages for consensual non-exploitative sexual activity.”

I’m not buying that. The forward of the report, by a proud homosexual, says laws against sexual predators assaulting children can make the pedophile feel ostracized because of his sexual behavior. He further says when laws criminalize sexual behavior it “codifies discrimination” against the perverts – my word not his – as well as “foster stigma” which could “wreak terrible harm.” On who? The sexual predators who want to have sex with children. Some now claim that men sexually attracted to children is just a sexual orientation, not a pedophile.

Do you see where this is going?

As noted by C-Fam:

“The repeated use of the phrase ‘in fact, if not in law’ is clearly intended to argue for laws prohibiting sex with minors to be enforced more leniently—if at all—in certain instances, where the argument could be made that the minor’s ‘evolving capacities’ render him or her effectively, if not legally, able to give consent. These passages notably omit any mention of whether the sexual activity involving a person under the age of 18 involves a fellow minor or a person who might be significantly older.” (emphasis added)

The vagueness of the text leaves the door open to sex between minors and adults. It could lead to the sexual exploitation of teenagers and the legalization of human sex trafficking! The human carnage would be limitless.

After America opened the Pandora’s Box of alternate sexual behaviors, there’s no stopping the perversion, and legalized abortion fuels this behavior. Our duty is to protect women and children, born and unborn, from all forms of violence and exploitation.

For women and children,

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5 thoughts on “United Nations Promoting Sex With Minors

    1. Dear Jane,
      We can always pray. You can also share the information so that more people are aware. Shining the light on these terrible things helps to aid in their destruction.
      Respecting ALL life,
      Kate McAuliffe

  1. “if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

    two cities in the Bible that were destroyed by God as punishment for the sexual behaviour of the people who lived there.

  2. I’m having trouble finding the interpretation that you made of the Forward. But clearly there is still much for grave concern!

    1. Andrew,
      We have cleared up some of the wording. We hope that makes things more clear. And yes, there is definitely cause for grave concern.
      Kate McAuliffe – Executive Director

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