The National Education Association (NEA) has come out of the closet, so to speak, and made official what we’ve suspected all along.
After trying to hide it for over thirty years, the NEA is now officially on record supporting an extreme position of abortion on demand throughout pregnancy.
The good news is that tens of thousands of pro-life educators represented by NEA now have alternatives, and a recent US Supreme Court ruling backs them up.
The NEA is the nation’s largest teacher’s union which boasts a membership of 3.2 million educators.
At their annual business meeting in Houston, delegates passed New Business Item 56. In part it reads, “The NEA vigorously opposes all attacks on the right to choose and stands on the fundamental right to abortion under Roe v. Wade.”
Abortion is the violent killing of unborn babies. It can inflict horrific physical damage on a woman’s body and often burdens the mother and father with emotional grief and remorse.
It’s ironic that a teacher’s union is advocating the deaths of millions of future students. Pupils that will help ensure their employment and profession.
Not all educators share this pro-death agenda. There scores of pro-life teachers who want to benefit from effective representation but wish to avoid supporting a pro-abortion advocate like the NEA.
Now they don’t have to.
Last year’s Supreme Court decision, Janus v AFSCME, ruled against forced unionism, agency fees and coerced dues for all public employees. This means pro-life teachers have rights.
With those rights come alternatives to the NEA.
According to their website, members of Christian Educators Association International enjoy $2 million professional liability coverage, representation by a local attorney, unlimited educational and legal consultation and mentorship in how to walk out their faith legally in public schools.
The Association of American Educators is a non-union professional educators organization that sees the need for a professional educators organization that focuses on student achievement without an emphasis on partisan politics.
Pro-life educators can also benefit from Teachers Saving Children, individuals associated with the education profession whose primary purpose is advocacy for all innocent human life from conception to natural death.
You can help protect America’s unborn babies and their parents by sharing this information with others. First, we must tell more people that the NEA seeks to impose an extreme pro-abortion policy in America. Second, if more educators are familiar with the NEA’s stand and know of their right to choose alternatives, the power and effectiveness of NEA can be diminished.
Please help us spread the word.
Sincerely for the babies,
How can I tell my teacher friends?
Please feel free to share the article on facebook or any other social media that you have.
Wonderful information! I will share this
With the three teachers I know ! I will also
Share it with the moms I know as they all songs
Know The teachers of their children . Thank you !
Too late for mead I resigned from my teaching position recently. It was quite a struggle to keep my money out of the hands of my local teachers union. Glad for others.
Great news!my son is a teacher and will no longer have to support this .thanks for all your efforts
There are a lot of local issues btw school districts & teachers that can only be negotiated by the union. I do not see a way around that.