July 27, 2017
HEADLINE: Life Issues Institute’s Bradley Mattes: Brownback a forceful voice for life and religious freedom
CINCINNATI – Life Issues Institute President Bradley Mattes today praised President Trump’s appointment of Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback as the next ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom.
“Sam Brownback will provide a bully pulpit for the President to advocate for religious freedom,” he said. “That is something very much needed in this political climate.”
Mattes said Gov. Brownback’s new position will allow him to remain a forceful voice against compelling people of faith to participate in abortion and physician-assisted suicide, and for continued protections allowing pastors and individuals to speak out against abortion.
He said the former senator and congressman has been a stalwart supporter of life and religious freedom in all three elected positions he has held. Mattes also praised President Trump’s leadership on life and faith issues.
“This appointment is yet another example of President Trump honoring the commitment he made to the pro-life movement during the 2016 campaign.”
Founded in 1991 by Mattes and J.C. Willke, MD, Life Issues Institute is dedicated to changing hearts and minds of millions of people through education.
Organizations and individuals around the world depend upon Life Issues Institute to provide the latest information and effective tools to protect innocent human life from fertilization to natural death.
Patrick Foose
Life Issues Institute
1821 West Galbraith Road
Cincinnati, Ohio
(513) 729-3600
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