
New Lines of Attack Against Pro-Lifers

Bradley Mattes   |   August 26, 2022

In the wake of Roe’s demise, evil and violence continue to unfold in our nation.

The abortion industry and their allies lack a persuasive argument to sustain abortion on demand until birth. So, they are resorting to violent and illegal tactics that resemble a child’s tantrum on steroids.

Here’s an update on the latest happenings, reflecting some new tactics.

A group of 600 extremists, including abortionists, sent a letter to the media asking it to censor all pro-life voices when reporting on abortion. Their claims are extreme but in this age of online censorship, we can’t ignore the danger to free expression.

Big tech has ruled with an iron fist when it comes to censorship, including against Life Issues Institute. Here’s an up to date timeline of their actions attacking pro-life organizations.

Most recently Yelp, an online source of reviews for services from restaurants to doctors, posted discriminatory warning labels on listings of pro-life pregnancy centers. Pro-abortion Democrat leaders in congress are pressuring Google to entirely exclude pregnancy centers from its search results.

Pro-abortion activists played hardball in Cincinnati, Ohio, attempting to derail a pro-life fundraising event. Pregnancy Center East planned to hold its summer social called Boots & Bottles at a local brewery with a food truck present to serve guests.

Extreme pro-abortion advocates harassed multiple breweries until they relinquished, forcing the pregnancy center to move its location four times just one week prior to the scheduled event. The Center was forced to move it across the state line into Kentucky where Boone County Distilling Company, with a three-day notice, boldly hosted the summer social. Please phone to thank them. I did. 859.282.6545. Harmon’s Barbeque stepped in to provide delicious food since the scheduled caterer didn’t have a license to do business in Kentucky. Their number is 859.279.3662.

Instead of investigating domestic terrorist attacks against pro-life entities in her state, New York Governor, Kathy Hochul, who referred to pro-lifers as “Neanderthals” signed a bill that:

  • Initiated an investigation of pro-life pregnancy centers.
  • Protects abortionists from medical malpractice lawsuits regardless of their egregious actions, stripping women of their right to justice and appropriate compensation.
  • Protects abortionists from legal action for committing abortions on women from states where it is illegal.

State attorneys general, mayors, city councils and county prosecutors have announced they will give abortion violations low priority or blatantly refuse to enforce pro-life laws.

Newsweek reports a hacking group called SiegedSec, posted seven to eight gigabytes of data, including personally identifying information stolen from government sites in Kentucky and Arkansas. The hackers declared, “The attacks will continue! Our main targets are any pro-life entities, including government servers of the states with anti-abortion laws.”

Pro-life doctors are in Biden’s crosshairs to force them to participate in abortion or suffer career-ending consequences. Biden has proposed a rule change under Obama Care that would classify abortion as “healthcare.”  Those who refuse to provide abortion services would be guilty of sex discrimination.

As of early August 2022, there had been over 120 acts of domestic terrorism and violence against pro-life churches, organizations, and individuals.

The pro-life movement needs your continued prayers, but we are a hardy lot. We serve because unborn babies have faced much worse.

  • We do it for the babies who are being ripped apart, limb from limb, all the while feeling excruciating pain.
  • We do it for the mothers and fathers who chose abortion and now struggle with the pain and anguish that often follows.
  • We do it for future generations whom God selects, each with a specific purpose to fulfill the Creator’s plan.

Like the abolitionists before who endured harsh treatment, suffering and ridicule, they persevered and were ultimately victorious. Our eyes are on Jesus with the same fortitude of those who ended slavery, liberated the death camps of WW II, and quietly persevered in the face of blatant racism of the South.

Saving babies, protecting moms,

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2 thoughts on “New Lines of Attack Against Pro-Lifers

  1. Thank you for fighting the good fight. It is incredible to me that people trying to protect the life of the unborn and innocent – really all life are so demonized by the left. God is with us so we continue to trust in him and pray.

  2. Value Them Both was defeated in Kansas by all the dark money that came in to attack and mislead voters in the primary. We were outspent and bombarded with negative ads.
    I know the majority of Kansans are pro-life but now we have the stigma of being the first state after Roe to vote down an amendment to correct the Kansas Supreme Courts “right to an abortion.”

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