
More Than a Bumpy Night

Bradley Mattes   |   March 06, 2020

Few can forget Bette Davis’ famous line in the movie All About Eve. “Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night.”

By comparison, America’s current political and social climate warrants something much more stabilizing than seatbelts!

A recent inventory of current events shows there are no signs of the storm abating.

Justice Brett Kavanaugh

The confirmation hearing of Justice Brett Kavanaugh was despicable. Some of those making outrageous accusations against a sitting judge with an unblemished record later admitted they never met the man.

Pro-abortion Democrats in the US Senate recently filibustered pro-life efforts to end heinous acts against humanity. Pro-life Republicans simply advocated access to healthcare for babies who survived abortion. Secondly, they supported legislation to end late-term abortion at five months, well after a baby is able to feel the horrendous pain of the abortion procedure. Extreme members of the Senate said a resounding no.

Let the meaning of “live dismemberment abortion” sink in.

It seems unthinkable that we would even be having these debates in Congress. Yet a pro-abortion Democrat has sunk even lower.

Wednesday, US Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer actually threatened two Justices of the US Supreme Court. At a pro-abortion rally in front of the Supreme Court building he declared,

“I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price! You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.” (emphasis added)

Chief Justice Roberts issued a stunning and rare rebuke that read in-part, “…threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous.”

Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY)

Not batting an eye, Schumer accused the Chief Justice of being “biased.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell delivered a scathing rebuke and the President weighed in. Notoriously liberal Harvard Law School professor Laurence Tribe and the American Bar Association condemned Schumer’s remarks.

You’d think this and other pushback would at least generate an apology from Senator Schumer. We were all disappointed. He used his time on the Senate floor to deliver an extreme pro-abortion diatribe defending his support for the depraved practice of abortion on demand. The closest thing the Senator got to an apology was stating he used the wrong words.

This outrageous and unacceptable behavior could easily incite someone on the extreme Left to act out in violence against Supreme Court justices.

And it’s probably going to get worse. Pro-abortion Democrats have become completely unhinged with fear and rage because they see the writing on the wall. Roe v Wade, in all it’s bloody glory, cannot and will not last.

We must stay strong. This is no time to be intimidated, afraid, or let up on our efforts. Satan and his earthly pawns know abortion’s time is limited and they’ve stepped up their demonic game.


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3 thoughts on “More Than a Bumpy Night

  1. Mr. Mattes and Life Issues,
    Thanks for all you do to advocate and protect the rights of unborn babies. I stand with you!

  2. God will stop abortion Diane F and Kamala H both sent me emails about how though we do not see eye to eye blah blah blah… I tried to send a heart felt letter but it was returned as spam..
    I pray that Jesus will stop them like He did Paul on the Damasks Rd I lift up all or Pro Life Prayers In Jesus Holy Name Amen

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