Contact: Katie Cagle, 513-729-3600
Life Issues Institute Recognizes World Down Syndrome Day and James Martin
A very significant day to remember is March 21st, World Down Syndrome Day. People around the world celebrate the lives and contributions of individuals with Down syndrome. World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated on 3/21 because this condition results from an extra (third) 21st chromosome. Life Issues Institute believes that every life is important and significant. That most definitely applies to people who have Down syndrome, and we certainly believe that they all contribute to society.
We would specifically like to congratulate James Martin, who played a leading role in a movie An Irish Goodbye that recently won an Oscar Award. James had this to say for others with disabilities: “I would say to people who have autism, Down syndrome or some physical disability, I would say go for it, act your heart out…don’t let people say you can’t act.”
“I often say that God’s richest blessings sometimes come in unexpected packaging. That’s certainly the case regarding individuals with Down syndrome,” said Brad Mattes, President of Life Issues Institute. “There is often much worry and trepidation when expectant parents are told their child has this condition. But my guests this week on our daily radio commentary Life Issues totally destroy any preconceived idea that people with an extra chromosome are somehow less than others. In these cases, they are accomplishing more than most Americans. It’s time we celebrated all life because the Lord uses everybody!”
For requests to interview Bradley Mattes, use contact information above.
Life Issues Institute is dedicated to changing hearts and minds of millions of people through pro-life education. Organizations and individuals around the world depend upon Life Issues Institute to provide the latest information and effective tools to protect innocent human life from fertilization to natural death.
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