FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 8th, 2023, Link
Contact: Victor Nieves, 513-719-5813
Lies Prevail in Ohio, Issue 1 Passes
Yesterday was a good day for those who seek to profit from the killing of innocent babies. Ohio Issue 1, a radical pro-abortion constitutional amendment, passed in the Buckeye State by nearly 12 points enshrining the “right” to kill babies at any stage in pregnancy.
Pro-abortion advocates were successful in their multi-million-dollar campaign of lies and propaganda. For radical abortion proposals to get the support of the electorate, deceit is a prerequisite. Women in Ohio were told that voting no on this amendment would rip away their reproductive rights, remove their access to contraception, and take away their control over their bodies.
The wool was pulled over their eyes. Reasonable Americans do not support radical abortion proposals like Issue 1. Proposals that remove parental rights, protect late-term abortion, and endanger women. Unfortunately, propaganda is powerful.
“The passage of Issue 1 in Ohio is a tragic loss for unborn babies, their mothers, and parents of minors. Ohio voters clearly misunderstood the width and breadth of the radical pro-abortion agenda of its supporters” said Brad Mattes, President of Life Issues Institute.
Effective pro-life education is needed now more than ever. We face battles to defend life in all fifty states. Pro-abortion activists have the cards stacked in their favor with full support from the media and millions of dollars in big donor money. Out of state interests will attempt to repeat the blueprint executed in Ohio. We must not let them.
Life Issues Institute will continue fighting for life.
Life Issues Institute is dedicated to changing hearts and minds of millions of people through pro-life education. Organizations and individuals around the world depend upon Life Issues Institute to provide the latest information and effective tools to protect innocent human life from fertilization to natural death.
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