During the past fifty years, numerous individuals have served the pro-life movement with honor and distinction.
I am delighted to share that 50 of them have been singled out to be recognized for their amazing contributions toward the effort of saving babies and protecting their parents from the horrors of abortion.
And the timing is perfect!
A new book called Legacy of Life is a collection of tributes that honor pro-life leaders who have demonstrated outstanding contributions to the movement – both living and deceased. Check out this brief trailer.
I was honored to write the tribute to Dr. Jack Willke, known as the Father of the Pro-Life Movement. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world have joined this global pro-life effort because of the materials and efforts of Jack and Barbara Willke.
Working side-by-side with this couple for nearly 25 years was a highlight of my pro-life career. Because of them, I can be counted among the many individuals whose hearts were stirred with a passion to defend the defenseless.
One of the goals of Legacy of Life is to both educate and impassion the next generation of pro-life leaders and make them keenly aware they are part of something larger that resulted in the demise of Roe v. Wade.
Every chapter is inspiring and accompanied by engaging photos. You’ll discover previously unknown details about the history of our movement and be moved by the talents, passion, and drive of those depicted in this book.
Legacy of Life will be available on Monday, June 26, two days after the first anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision. What better way to celebrate this monumental victory than to read about some of the key individuals responsible for this watershed moment in history.
Those who produced this beautiful tribute to these Legacy leaders passionately believe in the importance of this book as we begin a new era toward ending all abortion in our nation. As a result, the cost of $54 reflects a breakeven point for them. Place your order now as this will be a limited-edition printing. And please share this information with others so they may also benefit from this offer.
It is my sincere hope that you will order a copy or copies – they make perfect gifts for your family members, friends, or budding pro-life leaders you want to encourage. May you be inspired by the sacrifices and tireless efforts that these 50 individuals devoted toward our goal of ending abortion in America. We have much work ahead of us, but this historic victory is worth taking a moment to savor and celebrate!
For the babies,
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