One of the most pressing issues before the pro-life movement is how to stop chemical abortion. It is called mifepristone, marketed under the name of Mifeprex, the first pill in the two-drug abortion protocol.

It is an outright lie by extreme abortion advocates that “chemical abortion is safer than Tylenol.” Our video interview with Elizabeth Gillette defies this falsehood. In addition to the severe pain and hemorrhaging Elizabeth experienced, as she held the child she passed, this young woman faced the horrific, undeniable reality that she killed her baby. This tragic awareness came with a whole other level of serious side effects.
The aftermath of chemical abortion for Elizabeth included, in her words, an “overwhelming guilt I couldn’t put away.” She also suffered from nightmares, anorexia, and a diagnosis of acute post-traumatic stress disorder. There is no credible study that can associate similar levels of concern with Tylenol.
Who and what is behind the behemoth effort to inflict this chemical coathanger on millions of unsuspecting women? Let’s take a look at the extreme pro-abortion activists and those who fund their effort to push these deadly pills.
The most prominent pro-abortion groups pushing chemical abortion are the Center for Reproductive Rights, Whole Woman’s Health, Guttmacher Institute, National Health Law Program, and Physicians for Reproductive Health. Besides ideology, these organizations have several things in common. Their donors. Much of their funding comes from left-leaning foundations that give heavily to causes advocating abortion on demand until birth. Let’s take a look at each group and the foundations that give to them.
The Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR) describes itself as “a global human rights organization of lawyers and advocates who ensure” the accessibility of abortion. According to CRR’s most recent annual report, they document gifts between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022. The top donors include Laura and John Arnold, who appear to have personally given over $1,000,000 to CRR rather than through their foundation. In addition, the Ford Foundation and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation have given enormous sums. While founded by Henry Ford and his son, Edsel, it is important to note that the Ford Foundation is not connected to Ford Motor Company. The Ford Foundation gave CRR $500,000 in 2022 which does not include the collective $15,025,000 that it has given to CRR since 2007. That sum also includes a $7,500,000 Social Bond in October 2020. The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (William Hewlett is a cofounder of Hewlett-Packard) has given CRR a total of $17,232,500 million since 2001 with multiple grants over $2,000,000. Hewlett-Packard’s other founder, David and Lucile Packard Foundation gave CRR $500,000 in 2022 and a collective $3,037,915. Although it is unclear exactly how much was given, Bloomberg Philanthropies – founded in 2006 by Michael Bloomberg – was also a $1,000,000-plus donor to CRR. It should surprise no one that George Soros is also a large donor. His Open Society Foundation has given a total of $365,000 in two grants, both in 2016.
Whole Woman’s Health (WWH), a chain of abortion facilities, was founded in 2003 by Amy Hagstrom Miller. While this group is smaller, it has received the attention of the large foundations. The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation has given WWH a total of $1,000,000 in grants since 2016.
Guttmacher Institute (GI) was initially founded as the research arm of Planned Parenthood. GI is now an independent research nonprofit and is named in honor of the former president of Planned Parenthood, Alan Guttmacher. GI has received $2,000,000 since 2019 from John and Laura Arnold’s foundation, Arnold Ventures. GI has been given a total of $5,325,000 from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation since 2018. Meanwhile, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation has granted GI $27,002,700 since 2011. The Ford Foundation has doled out $3,680,000 in total while the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has given GI a total of $19,494,409 since 1995. Lastly, Mackenzie Scott (former wife of Jeff Bezos) – through her foundation, Yield Giving – granted $15,000,000 to GI in 2022.
The National Health Law Program (NHLP) was founded by Ruth and Milton Roemer in 1969 to help low-income individuals and families with healthcare and also with abortion. Arnold Ventures has given $485,000 since 2020. The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation has donated two grants, totaling $530,000. The David and Lucile Packard Foundation has given $1,428,250 in grants since 2018. The Ford Foundation is the largest collective donor to the NHLP, with $3,534,750 given since 2007. Lastly, George Soros makes another appearance with the Open Society Foundations, giving $1,000,000 in 2017.
Physicians for Reproductive Health (PRH) was founded in 1992 by a group of physicians in New York City with a mission of teaching others to effectively defend late-term abortion, advocate against pro-life pregnancy centers and promote illegal self-managed abortions. Arnold Ventures gave $250,000 in a two-year grant from 2021 to 2023. The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation granted the collective sum of $4,220,500 to PRH. Lastly, the Ford Foundation granted $450,000 in 2006 and $600,000 in 2008.
This is just a sampling of the big money behind Big Abortion. Many of these donors are older foundations that were initially set up to do good in the world but have veered off their original, intended courses.
As Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk’s ruling makes its way to the U.S. Supreme Court, we intend to shine a penetrating light on those inflicting such bodily harm and mental anguish on millions of women like Elizabeth.
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