Obamacare and the Abortion Factor Part 1

Obamacare and the Abortion Factor Part 1

The Pro-Life movement is facing dark days in its fight against abortion. In part one of this two part series about President Barack Obama’s pro-abortion agenda, we’ll meet pro-life leaders in Washington, DC who establish President Obama as the most pro-abortion president in our nation’s history. Through deceptive language and health care initiative, President Obama is looking to expand funding and support for on-demand abortions.

We’ll meet Congressman Chris Smith, a Representative from New Jersey, and Ken Blackwell, a Senior Fellow at the Family Research Council, who will expose the extreme nature of the president’s abortion agenda. Through his use of charming words and deceptive language, Barack Obama has been successful in misleading citizens about his agenda. Ken Blackwell will explain how the president is devaluing the importance of life by promoting a culture of death.

Dr. Charmaine Yoest, the President and CEO of Americans United for Life, has been fighting for the rights of unborn children for most of her life. She stresses the dangers of President Obama’s health care reform bill. Along with Wendy Wright, the President of Concerned Women for America, she discusses how the new bill could lead to more funding for abortion, a removal of conscience protections for doctors, and an erasure of parental notification and women’s right to know laws. With Americans blind to these changes, pro-life leaders are doing all they can to inform citizens about the dangerous ramifications of this bill.

With new polls showing a majority of Americans identifying themselves as pro-life, the movement is feeling a surge of empowerment and optimism. If more citizens can become involved and expose the president’s agenda, there could be forward progress for the pro-life movement and hope for the future of unborn children.

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