Little Miracles

Little Miracles

Missy Davert is 2 feet 11 inches tall and has been living with a condition called osteogenesis imperfecta. This brittle bone condition has caused her to have over 200 fractures throughout her life. Missy always dreamed of becoming a mom. However, she and her husband Ken knew that this would be unrealistic due to her condition. Eleven years ago that changed when Missy and Ken discovered they were pregnant with twins.

The Daverts sought the help of many doctors while considering their situation. They could find no record of a woman of Missy’s size and condition successfully giving birth to twins. Many of the doctors advised Missy to abort at least one of the babies. But this was never an option for Missy and Ken. They were determined to do all they could to bring their children into the world.

They eventually sought the help of Dr. Daniel Wechter, a maternal-fetal medicine specialist based in Saginaw, Michigan. He has dedicated his life to helping and caring for women with high-risk pregnancies. Even though Dr. Wechter had never dealt with a pregnancy of these complications, he assured Missy and Ken that they would come up with a plan to deliver their babies.

With the help and care of Dr. Wechter, Missy was able to carry the twins 32 weeks before successfully giving birth to Austin and Michaela. Both of the children inherited Missy’s condition, but this never deterred the Daverts. Missy knew that no one would be able to better take of a child with osteogenesis imperfecta than herself.

Austin and Michaela are now 10 years old. Missy and Ken know how blessed they are to have their children and are forever thankful for the help and support that Dr. Wechter provided. Missy and Ken have faced many trials in their lives, but they continue to tackle any obstacle that comes their way. Missy has instilled in her children the belief that their disabilities can never determine their happiness.

Missy’s story is an inspiration to any woman who may be facing a high-risk pregnancy. With the help and support of Dr. Wechter, Missy was able to defy the odds and give birth to two beautiful children.

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