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In Norman, Oklahoma rests a little pregnancy care center making a big impact. Brad met with the Executive Director of Care Net Pregnancy Center of Norman, Crystal Drwenski, to find out what is propelling this center down a unique path.
Crystal, along with her team, have set out to impact the Oklahoma University community by “talking their language,” as Crystal says, by being on MySpace and Facebook. The staff is known to instant message and text message to answer questions or address concerns. Men and women can walk into a non-threatening professional environment for STD testing and preventative care. By creating a non-threatening professional environment for students, the goal to provide accurate medical information and emotional support is becoming a reality.
Jenae James is one college student who found Care Net Pregnancy Center of Norman to offer medical advice and emotional support in an uncertain time. Now a proud mom, Jenae found herself at a crossroad when she unexpectedly learned she was pregnant. As a young and intelligent college woman, Jenae knew she had choices. What she didn’t know was that a supporting medical and counseling staff would be there to meet her where she was.
Crystal Drwenski says the center is here to build relationships, to provide support, and to let women know life goes on after an unplanned pregnancy.
Today, Jenae is pursuing her bachelor’s degree at Oklahoma University and her daughter Avery is learning how to play Patty-Cake.
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