
You’re Winning the Battle Against Planned Parenthood

Bradley Mattes   |   August 26, 2015

Just when you think Planned Parenthood’s grisly business can’t be any more repulsive, along comes another video to prove you wrong. In the eighth video from the Center for Medical Progress, the CEO of StemExpress, a tissue and organ middleman, laments the difficulties of shipping babies’ brains (they’re “insanely fragile”) and of finding enough livers. She loves Planned Parenthood, though, because they’re “a volume institution.”

These videos—so relentlessly outside the bounds of decency—push our faith and hearts to the limit. How can we stand against such pure evil?

Take heart, pro-lifers. You’re winning.

This recent investigation isn’t the first to expose the abortion industry’s trafficking of baby body parts. Dr. Willke and I wrote about it back in 1999, in the July and September issues of our newsletter, Life Issues Connector. The research, by Life Dynamics, drew little attention outside pro-life circles. So what’s different now?

You are. You, your passion and the power of social media.

Life Issues Institute TweetLast Friday, the Washington Times published an article called “Planned Parenthood losing social media war sparked by undercover videos.” A company called NetBase analyzes social media trends and found that over the three months before the first video was released, Planned Parenthood enjoyed a +62 average “net sentiment” rating—in other words, people viewed Planned Parenthood in a very positive light. Let’s call that the “ignorance is bliss” index. Since the first video was released July 14, Planned Parenthood’s net sentiment score has dropped to -26. That’s minus 26—an 88 point freefall. Let’s call that the “be sure your sins will find you out” index.

If you watched only the original Big 3 networks—ABC, CBS, NBC—you might not even know about the raging exposé. According to the Times article, they spent just 23.5 minutes total, combined, on the expose since July 14. A search of their news websites shows the coverage they did give the story leans heavily toward defending Planned Parenthood or reporting legal action against the Center for Medical Progress.

But on social media, talk about Planned Parenthood rocketed up 2,600 percent just in the first 24 hours after the first video exploded across Facebook and Twitter. Pro-lifers won the hashtag battle, too, with #DefundPP and #PPSellsBabyParts out-tweeting #StandwithPP and #SupportPP by more than 3-to-1.

Then, with just a few weeks to organize, more than 68,764 of you used social media to turn out for #ProtestPP this past Saturday. I say “more than” because 73 of the 353 locations haven’t yet reported their turnout.

Not surprisingly, #ProtestPP wasn’t covered by NBC, CBS or ABC nationally but many sites reported local affiliates covering their crowds. And of course pro-lifers posted photos by the thousands.

So what’s moving the needle? Listen to voices from protesters at the massive Houston mega abortion mill who spoke to Bonnie Pritchett of World:

It just opened our eyes to what is happening. Yeah. We’re pro-life. But this…

The videos just peeled back the layers for our generation.

It’s unbelievable what happens here. It just can’t continue. The killing of live babies has to stop.

The truth has come out. It’s abuse of the babies, and it hurts the mothers.

And here’s a great story shared on Facebook from a town named New Rochelle:

[W]hat really inspired me was this: the man who organized this protest had never done anything like this before. He and his wife saw the PP videos and wondered what they could do—went to the website to look for a protest in New Rochelle, there wasn’t one, and before he could stop himself he clicked on organizing a protest and became a leader! He expected a handful of folks so 50 was a great turn-out for that location. And the woman I was standing next to also had never done anything like it before, she saw something about it on EWTN and felt she had to come.

Cate Dyer of StemExpressThe White House has refused to watch the videos. Instead, the president’s press secretary trotted out Planned Parenthood’s own talking points. In the newest video, StemExpress CEO Cate Dyer says researchers don’t want tiny hands and feet attached when they ask for long bones. Staff members were having alarming reactions. “They want you to take it all off, like ‘Make it so we don’t know what it is,’” she said.

If the tiny hands are still attached, then they know. And they don’t want to know. But the multiplied and growing strength of your voices is forcing them to look. Presidential candidates are being forced to choose sides. The media is being held accountable for their blatant bias.

Please continue shedding light on the pure evil of Planned Parenthood. We’ve got resources to help you to keep the pressure on. We’re winning!

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