Recently, Planned Parenthood received a major blow in their attempt to be seen as the end-all, be-all in reducing unintended pregnancies, funded by you the taxpayer. This time, the hit came in an analysis from their close allies at the Guttmacher Institute.
It happened when Guttmacher studied the rate of unintended pregnancies from 2001-2006. Added details from the pro-abortion agency can be found by clicking here. Guttmacher concluded that increased government funding for Planned Parenthood has made ZERO impact on decreasing the unintended pregnancy rate across the nation. Yes, you read that right, ZERO. It gets even more alarming. They found the pregnancy rate for poor women jumped by over 50%. Its appalling.
This is a HUGE revelation because, according to Planned Parenthood, their main reason for existence is the reduction of unintended pregnancies, all the while begging the federal government for your tax dollars to fund their agenda.
The willingness of pro-abortion activists and politicians to insist on continued funding of a failed agenda of Planned Parenthood becomes even more infuriating when crunching the specific numbers associated with Planned Parenthoods actions as a whole.
Americas largest chain of abortion mills kills over 330,000 babies every year, which generates lots of money for the abortion industry giant. This helps them reach their obscene budget of over one billion dollars a year. The steady increase of government funding into Planned Parenthoods coffers is now over $363 million a year. In the midst of all this, the number of abortions at Planned Parenthood continues to rise.
That leaves only one conclusion.
With the pro-abortion organizations renewed calls for more funding, the perpetual high number of abortions is yet a further indication that Planned Parenthood and their allies are in the primary business of killing innocent babiesnot avoiding unintended pregnancies.
Now more than ever, you and I must continue to spread the truth about Planned Parenthood to family and friends. Your word-of-mouth plays a vital role in showing the abortion industry that they can run from the truth, but they cant hide.
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