
Eugenics Against Blacks Continues

Bradley Mattes   |   January 13, 2012

The desire to protect America’s most vulnerable citizens—unborn babies—transcends political labels. Working to end this modern-day holocaust knows no color barrier. A concrete example of these two fundamental truths recently occurred in the Sunshine State of Florida.

Gary Siplin

Following a similar legislative move by Congressman Trent Franks at the national level, Democratic State Senator Gary Siplin, an African American lawmaker, has introduced a bill that would essentially outlaw race and gender-based abortions in his home state.

It’s officially called the Susan B. Anthony and Federick Douglass Prenatal Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity for Life Act, House Bill 1327 and its counterpart Senate Bill 1702. It requires an abortionist to first sign an affidavit stating that he or she isn’t performing the abortion because of the child’s sex or race. Further, they must have no knowledge that the abortion is taking place because of the child’s sex or race. Neither can there be any level of force, intimidation or finances involved for such purposes. See the full and summary text of the proposed bill.

Besides imposing stiff penalties on physicians and other health professionals who suppress known violations of the law, the legislation’s focus is on the abortionists who carry out sanctioned murder on children simply because of their race or sex. It does not go after the mother on whom the abortion is performed.

Since1973, legal abortion has killed more African American babies than the total number of Black deaths from all other causes combined. This shocking statistic is confirmed by both the US Centers for Disease Control and even the Guttmacher Institute, Planned Parenthood’s research arm. According to the US Census Bureau, 35% of all abortions done are performed on Black women even though they represent only 13% of this country’s female population.

So you’d naturally expect that groups like the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, (NAACP), would be at the forefront supporting the Florida legislation. Sadly, the NAACP came out against the federal version of this bill.

Sister Song Women of Color, a pro-abortion activist organization, called the legislation a “blatant attempt for southern Republicans to look like they are champions of racial justice.” The problem with this of course is that the bill’s sponsor is a Black Democrat. Sister Song’s militant pro-abortion agenda is blinding them to the most basic facts, first among them that the Black community is under attack from the abortion industry. Sister Song should be championing this bill instead of fighting against it. The NAACP and Sister Song are abandoning African-American babies and their mothers when they’re needed most.

Life Issues Institute is actively working to protect the African American community through our Protecting Black Life project. Its director, Rev. Arnold Culbreath, is making considerable gains to educate the Black community that abortion threatens their future existence. All unborn babies, regardless of whether they’re black or white, deserve to be protected from abortion. Help us spread the word.

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