
Big Box Abortion

Bradley Mattes   |   June 25, 2015

No doubt about it, Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood, is business-savvy. She understands market share, competition, core business and when to take unprofitable products off the shelf.

With Richards at its bloody helm, Planned Parenthood is becoming the “big box” of the abortion industry. She’s doing it with your tax dollars—averaging nearly $1.5 million a day. Planned Parenthood also enjoys the outspoken support of President Obama.

But now a new report has exposed the lies behind their big box business strategy.

Planned Parenthood’s 78,000-square-foot mega-center abortion facility in Houston.

Our good friends at Americans United for Life (AUL) just released The New Leviathan: How Planned Parenthood Has Become Abortion, Inc. It lays bare the abortion giant’s business model: building mega abortion centers and defining abortion as their core business. These mega-centers are 10,000 or more square feet of killing space, perfect for assembly line abortions. The one in Houston is 78,000 square feet. Since rolling out this strategy about 10 years ago, Planned Parenthood has opened mega-centers in at least 19 US cities and increased their share of the abortion market from 20 percent to 32 percent. They’ve increased their “sales” by more than 70,000 abortions each year despite a 12 percent decline in abortions overall and a 13 percent drop in their overall patient load.

Follow the money, as the saying goes.

So what about Planned Parenthood’s other services, the ones that aren’t as lucrative as abortion? Remember the big stink they made in 2012 when Susan G. Komen for the Cure tightened its grant standards and Planned Parenthood no longer qualified? Planned Parenthood kicked its propaganda machine into overdrive, claiming women would lose access to life-saving breast cancer screenings at their facilities. Komen took such a hit in donations and media frenzy that they backed down. Yet not one—not one—Planned Parenthood facility offers mammograms—then or now.

That truth has never stopped Cecile Richards from using women’s fear of breast cancer as a marketing tool. She also did so in 2011 when cuts to Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding were on the table. She said millions of women would lose access to health care, specifically citing mammograms and cancer screenings.

Now, under the big box business model, many of Planned Parenthood’s non-abortion services such as cancer screenings have plummeted by half. And despite their claim to champion women’s health, their prenatal services are down 70 percent. As for presenting alternatives to abortion, their abortion-to-adoption-referral ratio is 201 to 1. They can’t make money telling women to go elsewhere.

[tweetthis]Planned Parenthood’s business model leaves them buck-naked.[/tweetthis]

Planned Parenthood may have a few other products on the shelf to dress up pie charts in their annual report, and they may wrap themselves in a faux-righteous cloak of caring about women’s health, but their business model leaves them buck-naked: Planned Parenthood exists to make money by killing the unborn.

I urge you to read AUL’s report. Take your time and shift through Planned Parenthood’s lies about their services. Understand how they hide behind shell companies so communities won’t know what they’re building. Then shout that the emperor has no clothes. And work to elect officials who will, finally, rip the taxpayer funding rug right out from under them.

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